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Marvel: a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.

Keith pov

When I woke up the next morning Lance was sleeping soundly beside me.
Bright sunlight was streaming in through my window.
As soon as I went to move I bit my tongue and tried not to yelp out in pain.
The mornings after are always the absolute worst.
I checked my phone and it was 11 am on the dot.
I decided I should wake Lance up.
I snuggled up close to him and put my hand on his chest and began to kiss his smooth face.
On his cheeks, nose, chin and forehead.
He stirred a bit and then opened his eyes.
He smiled when he saw me.
"Morning pretty boy" He grinned.
I smiled back and kissed him happily.
"Ready to meet my lowkey mess of a family?" Lance asked and held a weak peace sign up.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I sighed.
"They will love you. They just don't know you yet" Lance reassured me.
"I've got the best taste in men out of everyone in my whole family obviously" Lance boasted.
"I didn't even go Christmas shopping for Shiro! I've got nothing to bring to the table" I complained.
"That's fine Keith! Don't worry" Lance said and rubbed my arm.
"I feel bad" I mumbled.
"Don't. You had no idea this was going to happen" Lance reassured me.
"Okay" I said softly.
"God I need to shower. I haven't showered in 2 fucking days ew!" I exclaimed and shot up.
"Can I join you" Lance purred and put his head in my lap.
"As long as you're not a distraction" I said and squished his cheeks together.
There wasn't much to squish since Lance has such a thin long face.
"I won't be!" Lance beamed
"You might be one to me though" He mumbled.
I shot him an angry look.
I got up and had to lean on my wall for support.
"The more I walk, the less or hurts" I mumbled to myself.
"Do you need help?" Lance asked.
"Nope! I'm fine!" I hissed.
The air was cold against my naked body as I opened my door and made the short walk to the bathroom, Lance at my heels.
I flicked the lights on and the freezing cold tile was burning against my feet. I shut the door behind us and grabbed two towels.
"You know what? I've never once seen you shave your face" Lance said.
"I can't grow facial hair. I barely can anyway" I grumbled.
"I sure as hell can grow it everywhere else on my body" I replied.
"I look like I'm 13" I sighed.
"Your face kinda does, the rest of you sure doesn't. You're...well endowed so your body really doesn't look 13" Lance shrugged.
"I'm assuming you're talking about my ass again?" I said.
"No...not entirely" Lance squeaked.
I sighed.
We both then stepped into the shower.
God do I ever hate being this short. Lance towers over to of me.
It's unlikely that I will grow more.
I'll just have to stay short and accept my fate.
I barely paid any mind to Lance as I washed myself.
Until I went to move past him to grab my face wash from the little shelf adjacent to me.
That's when he grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him.
I then felt his very prominent hard on against my lower back.
I was caught off guard by this.
"Would you like my attention?" I asked, not turning around.
"I'm hoping I'd catch yours" Lance smirked.
"Well you did" I said.
"I know what you want" I added.
"Mm? And what's that?" Lance sneered and slid his hands to the fronts of my hips.
"I can read your mind" I said.
"Didn't know you had that ability, witchy boy" He teased and pressed his lips to my neck.
"I don't exactly...but you're easy to read nonetheless" I snickered.
I then spun around and pressed my smaller body to Lance's.
I smirked and bit my tongue through my teeth and looked into Lance's eyes.
I put my hands on Lance's much smaller hips and dropped to my knees.
"You're lucky I haven't brushed my teeth yet" I giggled.
Lance's smirk fell and he turned maroon.
I gazed happily at his member then took it in my mouth eagerly.
Lance bit his lip.
I snickered again and got to work.

I basically gave Lance the best blow job of his fucking life.
Or at least he made it seem that way anyway.
I scowled at him once when he took a fistful of my hair and tugged a bit too hard.
Much to his dismay I made him cum in my mouth.
I just didn't remove myself from him even though he asked me to.
He just thought it would be gross and I just rolled my eyes and continued.
When he finally did the deed he immediately pushed me away.
I wiped my mouth and turned the water heat up as it had gotten cold.
"Happy?" I beamed.
Lance's face was dark red and flustered.
" didn't..." He started.
"Spitters are quitters" I replied and opened my mouth stuck my tongue out at him to show him my empty mouth.
"You nasty" He shuddered.
"Shiro's gonna be pissed if the water bill is high so we should get out" I said.
"Oh yeah" Lance mumbled.
I shut the water off and stepped out and shoved a towel at Lance. I scooted away from the shower so he had some room to get out, then started to dry my hair.
"God..." Lance mumbled.
"What?" I asked and looked at him.
"It's not fair" He whined.
"What is?" I asked, horribly confused.
"" He said.
I gave him a "what the fuck?" Look.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"You have such a huge ass and a big package. It's not fair. In reality when you're a guy you either have one, the other or barely anything at all. You're a literal God" Lance exclaimed.
"Mm are you jealous?" I teased.
"A little yeah. I'm flat as a board back there" He said.
"I am jealous but I'm not at the same time because although I don't have your body, I have you though. I have you as a person that I get to enjoy looking at" Lance chirped.
"I'd rather just have you then have your body type on me" He added.
"You're lucky you don't though. I've told you so many times what a pain it is to deal with a body like mine" I grumbled and put the towel around my waist.
"Sure I might be nice and pretty to look at but it's not fun being the eye candy yourself" I said.
"God where is this conversation even going? What's your point?" I snapped.
"My point is; Is that yes I'm kinda jealous of what you have but I'm happy that I get to have you all to myself now" Lance said.
"That barely makes sense but I get it" I said.
"You're so precious Keith" Lance said and kissed my forehead. I blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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