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Dearest Diary,

I hate Mondays! I loathe them so much, that I strongly stand by the words of Garfield, that orange tabby cat. 'I hate Mondays. I hate 'em. Therefore I decree, from this day forward, there will be no more Mondays.' Yes, I know. It doesn’t change a thing. The earth is still rotating and the sun will still rise up and set. However, I believe that the curse of the day lies in its name. Hence the Monday blues, crazy Monday and that thick cloud of darkness that appeared the very moment the great yellow ball of light made its first mark on the horizon. So yea, 'Today is Tuesday, Happy Tuesday everybody.'


Hey Princess,

How are you doing?

I can’t believe it’s been two months already! Time flies so fast and Dom tells me that little Briella is more eloquent now. He also tells me that you are looking for another job? How is that? Does this mean that you are planning to stay there long term? I know that that is your decision to make, but I do hope that you will inform us before you do. A little bird told me that your mum and Shea are planning to visit. I don’t know how you'll feel about that and I thought I should give you a heads up. We all know how intense your mother gets and if they do decide to come, please bear with her. She loves you. She just has a funny way of showing it. Leila and Boris are doing great. I think though Leila misses you the most. She has no one to play with now that you are gone. The sheep are also fine and we hope for a good crop of avocados this year. That said I hope you are still keeping your diary. It's a good way of expressing yourself and releasing your emotions so keep writing in it.  Finally, I really miss you and I hope to talk to you soon. Pass my love to Bri and tell me when you are available so that we can have that Skype conversation.

Until later,

Love, Dad.

I stared at my father’s email horrified, especially that part where it said that my mum and sister were planning to visit. As if my Monday blues weren’t bad enough, now I had to deal with the prospect of hosting my mum and Shea? I was also yet to find a job, I was losing my driver in two weeks and I would end up having no ride by the end of that week. Linda had called and had said that her husband would be taking the Prado that Sunday.

“God, if you really exist, and are as great as David says you are? Now is the time to act. I need a way out here.” I said, directing my gaze towards the ceiling. Like the weirdo that I was, I remained that way for a while, waiting, not exactly sure what for. “Did you hear me?” I heard nothing. “Fine! Be that way. Twenty more days, and you and me we are done! You hear that?” I don’t know what I was doing, but I was sure that was not how people prayed. However, David had said to be original, to treat it like a relationship, and for now that was the best that I could do. I just hoped though that the great man upstairs would not find it too offensive and smite me down. However, since he had decided to remain quiet, I turned back to my computer and start working. Writing always removed my thoughts from my situation and in that moment, my mind would forget everything as I continued to immerse myself in the world of my characters. A world that I was in control of and things would always go the way I wanted them to go.

Right then, I am in story number four. A space opera that I thought was a great way to teach kids about space and the cosmos. It was also supposed to be short and therefore not complicated. However, I still had to do my research in order to get all my facts right. As I surfed through my ideas, a thought popped in my mind and I log on to the internet with the words ‘Jobs in Kenya’ in mind. I waited for the search engine to yield results and several websites pop up. I started scrolling through the pages to view the positions that were available and by the time Maggie knocked on my door to tell me that lunch was ready; I had already found more than twenty jobs and applied for four positions online while I applied for the others via email. A couple of other applications also lay in my basket, printed out and ready to be hand delivered to their respective company offices. I smiled at the progress I had made and logged off my computer to join my family of two for lunch.

Black Coffee (Tara's Dream)|Dearest Diary, - Book 1 (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now