20 · Games

17 1 0

     Donn's hair was still wet and dripped down his back, a single towel wrapped around his hips. I sat in the chair in the living room, a towel wrapped around my head to help dry my own hair faster. To my dismay, I was still dressed in my dirty clothes. There were times when I would wear the same shirt maybe two days in a row, but this was pushing it.

     "You could wear one of my shirts," Donn said smoothly, shoving a toothbrush into his mouth, "might be a little loose, but... better than what you've got on now, right? " He grinned at me, heading for the bathroom. I sighed, feeling embarrassed. There was no way I would wear any of his shirts. They would practically fall off of me! I felt a dripping sensation on my neck, as if a fluid had been poured onto it and was running downward. I touched my hand to my wound, my fingers coming back with blood again. Donn appeared with a light blue, button up shirt, some gauze and a roll of bandages.

     "I noticed you were bleeding again," he said, approaching me and kneeling on the ground, "thought I could patch you up. Hm?" He gestured for me to lean forward, and my gaze was locked onto his towel. How the hell was that staying on?

    "Th-thank you... Donn..." I mumbled, sitting still as he placed the gauze to my wound and began wrapping the bandage around my neck.

     "No problem, sweetheart. We can't have you bleeding all over the place. Plus, that's a wasted meal." Donn reached for the bottom of my shirt, starting to pull it off. I grabbed hold of his hands.

     "H-hey! I..." I wasn't wearing anything under this shirt! He can't do this!

     Donn frowned, sighing. "You're still not over this? What don't you get about belonging to me?"

     "Please... please." I begged, holding his hands tighter. I couldn't stand the thought of Donn being the first person to see me naked.

     "I do like it when you beg..." Donn thought for a moment, pulling his hands away and crossing his arms. "Take it off."

     "But... Donn!" I leaned forward, almost yelling in his face, but quickly turned my head to the side, not wanting to make eye contact.

     "Time is ticking, doll. What would be the best course of action?" Donn was smiling, but I knew he was getting impatient. There was only one way out of this, unless I was willing to die over it. I crossed my arms and grabbed the bottom of my shirt, slipping the fabric up and over the top of my head, revealing my bare chest. I hugged the shirt, trying to cover myself, though there wasn't much to hide; I was practically flat-chested. My body was getting warmer with fear and embarrassment, and my eyes stayed locked to the arm of the chair, terrified to look at Donn.

     "The shirt." he said casually, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see him holding his hand out. Reluctantly, I handed him the shirt, crossing my arms. Tears were welling up in my eyes, but it didn't matter. My emotions and wants didn't matter to him.

     "Arms out, doll," Donn ordered, setting my shirt on the ground. I spread my arms out slowly, realizing how shaky I was. Donn was a disgusting pervert!

     Donn took the clean shirt and slipped my right arm into a sleeve, then my left one, and started to button up the front slowly. His movements were slow and gentle, making me question his intentions. Were they really as malicious as I perceived?

     "All done," he said, doing up the top button and patting my thigh. I winced, afraid of his touch. My eyes slowly drifted to his face, only catching his eyes for a split second. His pupils were so dilated, they were almost black.

     "... okay." I squeaked, surprised I was able to say anything. Donn had just witnessed me at one of my most vulnerable times.

     "Let's play a game," Donn mused, standing up in front of me, "you can say a statement about me. If I agree with it, I'll put on a piece of clothing. If I don't..." he tugged at his towel, as if threatening to take it off. What the hell is his problem?! "This is your chance to clothe me, doll. I can see how uncomfortable my bareness makes you." He snickered to himself.

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