Chapter 44

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I laid down on the couch so my face was staring directly at the bright shining moon. Tonight it was just me and the moon. I closed my eyes and relaxed. It had felt like a few minutes and the boys were not downstairs. I bet they are going to bed, I thought. I started to hear noise coming from the other side of the room. The boys were coming downstairs, I kept my eyes closed and never opening them. None of them were calling me, unusual, but I didn't think about it. Wait- I interrupted any thought I had. I thought the boys were going to bed. I didn't dare open my eyes, but my curiosity got the better of me. I opened them to see unfamiliar people, one of them had a huge camera. You could tell they were trying to be quiet; but were failing. What do I do in this situation? Do I stay quiet or get up and start yelling?
"You idiot, she's awake now because of how loud you are."
A girl voice had said, I knew it wasn't Aspen's voice; it wasn't even close.
"Oh hi!"
Someone was calling, I didn't know if it was focused to me or not. I sat up and sat on the couch. I could tell they weren't here to hurt me, so I was only being a little cautious.
"If your going to kidnap me, that's fine."
Why were they even here in the first place though?

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