Chapter 1: White Nights

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I don't know which color looks better, red or black? Ugh they are just converse this should be easy. Stiles is going to be here any minute dammit. Ok red. Im going with the red it matches my shirt better.

So I'm sitting here lacing my shoes when I hear a honk and a "Get your ass down here we are late"

How dare he talk to me like that!

"Fuck you Stilinski I'm coming!" I screamed out my window while flipping him off.

I rush down stairs grab my bag and run to his car.


"Stiles shut up its too early in the morning to be that excited."

"Alright sour wolf jr calm down."

"You know I hate when you call me that "

"Sorry Cora, is that better?"

"Yes yes it is." I snapped back. Oh great. one freakin direction is on the radio and Stiles is going to start singing in 3,2.


"STILES I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL BREAK YOUR RADIO" I screamed at him. God this boy is such a girl.

"What was that? I can't hear you!"

Ok. Now hes just being mean. Well I can be mean too. I punched his radio and completley ruined it.


I told him I was going to break his radio. Maybe he should take me serious next time. God this guy is so annoying. "I warned you Stilinski"

"Dammit Cora, oh my god are you bleeding?"

What the hell? Is Stilinski concerned about my well being? Im a damn werewolf blood doesnt bother me. "It'll heal idiot." As if on comand my knuckles healed up within five seconds. "Told ya, good as new" I said as i examined my nails.


He sounded kind of mad or sad or something. Not my fault Im part wolf. Maybe he was jealous or something.

"Dude why are you acting so bumbed out over a radio. its not like it was expensive"

but really that radio was from the 90's and is worth probably $30. I think hes trying to make me feel bad about it or something.

"Sorry Stilinski."

"Its fine sour wolf Jr."

Ok I had that one coming but really he better not call me that every again.

"Thats the last time you call me that Stilinski." He just laughed and continued driving us to school. I never realised what a cute laugh he had. Maybe it is because he is so fucking annoying and drives me insane.

I was looking out the window admiring the woods when i could see him staring at me. I didnt want to say anything to make it awkward so i just let him look at me. Seriously thought Stilinski is such a freak sometimes. It bugs me so much I cant stand his ass. There is something about him that drives me crazy. I just want to punch him in the face all the time. I dont kmow what it is about him that makes me want to punch babies

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