Chapter 9: Our first date.

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"C'mon say it."

"Stiles no!"

"Cora" He is giving me puppy dog eyes. Swoon.

"Ok fine. Sorry."

"Thats my girl."

I know I said I want to be nice and part of Scotts pack but its so hard! I hate saying sorry! Its not fun! Im never wrong anyways so whats the point in saying sorry? The only upside about this is the time me and Stilinski spent together over the past two weeks.

We dont kiss just yet. We said we'd take it slow. He told me when I was all looped out after being shot that we kissed. I cant remember it so it doesnt really count we decided. We hug and hold hands sometimes. We are just taking our time getting to really know each other.

The thing is, I always want to kiss his soft pink lips. I mean who wouldn't? I tried once but he teased me. That bastard.

"Ya know Cora I just want to kiss you now. I want to kiss you all the time."

He started leaning in to kiss me. Perfect I let him get so close to my lips they barely touched by a centimeter then I pulled away insanely fast.

"Cora!!" He was red with embarrassment.

"Drive me home lover boy I have stuff to do."

"Only if you kiss me."

I will not cave in. We just cant kiss.

"Nope. Our first kiss is going to be special, Stilinski."

"Well I think youre beautiful and I always want to kiss your lips and hug your waist. I always want to be with you. If you want to wait. Ill wait for you to be ready Cora."


My face is burning up and Im blushing so bad I might be red for an eternity. I dont even know what to say!


Really. All I could say was awesome? Im embarrassed.

"Hey dont get embarrassed cora." He kissed the top of my forehead grabbed my hand and we walked to his car.

"So Cora, I was thinking and-"

Nothing good ever comes out of Stilinski thinking. I mean nothing.

"and we should go out to dinner tonight. Since youre a werewolf I figured you like eating small deffenceless animals so-"

I smacked his chest and started laughing so hard my face turned red. "Fuck you Stilinski! I actually thought you were being serious for once asshole!"

"Ok ok but Im being serious! Lets go to dinner tonight. We can get sushi and then maybe something sweet afterwards?"

He remembered I have the biggest sweet tooth but all I can focus on is the sweet candy and chocolate we might be getting tonight.

"Hell ya Stilinski Im sold! What time are you going to pick me up?"

"Be ready around 8 sweet cheeks."

"Dont ever call me that again." I flash a smile is way abd hop out of his car and walk to Dereks loft.

Its 7:30 and I cant find anything to wear. Wearing a dress isnt me but I think I lool cute in them. Yes i have a secret stash pf dresses hidden in my closet. Ya Im not much of a girly girl. I chose a bluish dress with short black sleeves that are see-through and barely pass my shoulders. I put some makeup on but barely any. A little tinted lip balm to put some color in my lips and some mascara to make my lashes stand out a little more than usual. I was always complimented on my long lashes. Of course I slip on my black converse that surprisingly look really nice with my dress.

Ding Dong

Stiles is here! I rush downstair and open the door. He is wearing dark jeans that are cuffed at the bottom greaser style. He is also wearing a button up shirt that is red with a plaid design on it. We are also wearing matching black converse. His mouth falls open and he is just staring at me. But its a stare I cant understand. I dont understand the look on his face. I cant read his expressions other than the fact he looks a little shocked.

"Is something wrong?" I asked feeling a bit nervous that I overdid my whole woredrobe.

"No Cora, you uh um."

"Yeah I uh um? Thanks!" if you havent noticed Ive become quite sarcastic since Ive been around Stilinski.

"Ha no Cora I mean you look beautiful. Your dress is beautiful your hair is beautiful. Your lips and cheeks are beautiful. Your nose and eyes are beautiful. Youre beautiful Cora Hale."

Instantly my face is turning redder than a tomato. I smiled and laughed a little relieved that he wasnt upset about my outfit. His cheeks were turning rosey red against his pale face.

"Thank you, you look quite dapper yourself."

"Pft you know Im always dapper." We walked out the door and started our adventure to our first date.

When we arrived at the sushi place we both realized that we were simply not in the mood for sushi.

"Well what else is there to do?"

"I can steal some of Dereks liquor." Stilinskis face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Great idea!"

So we went home got Derek liquor and decided to sit by a creek. We chose a creek because it was peaceful and you could see the bright white moons reflection in it.

We were sipping from the bottle of Jack when Stilinski jumped up and said "Oh i forgot something! Be right back sweet cheeks!"

Ugh I hate when he calls me that.

He was trotting back with a plastic bag i his hand and his face was flushed. As he got closer I could see it was a bag full of my favorite candies. Kit Kats, Twix, Butterfingers and so much more.

"Youre the best Stilinski! Thanks!" I took the bad and kissed him on the cheek. I usually wouldnt have done that but the liquor was lingering in my body slowly intoxicating me making me feel daring. We ate and took swigs of the bottle for almost 10 minutes in silence just staring at the water thinking.

"You know what Cora?"

"Nope. Tell me what."

"The night is young, we are young. We are surrounded by beautiful nature and a little bit tipsy and I really want to kiss your big pink lips right now. And you know maybe I shouldnt do this, but Im going to." Before I had time to blush or react he was pressing his lips against mine with such urgency like we would never get this moment again. His hands were cupping my face and mine were roaming the back of his head. It was the most passionate kiss Ive ever had. I never understood what people meant when they said they felt a spark when they kissed. I dont know if its from the liquor lingering in our bodies but I felt that spark.

"Woah" we both whispered as we finished our kiss and stared at each other in shock.

"Was that special enough or do you want to punch me in the face?"

"It was special Stilinski. We outta try it again sometime." We both let out nervous releaved laughs and entertwined our fingers into each others.

We stayed at the creek till 2 am talking about ourselves and just overall enjoying each others companies.

I think Im starting to really like this kid.

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