Chapter 10: Grave visits

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"No! Anakin is sexy."

"Oh cmon he gets thrown in lava."

"All Im saying is if he asked me to join the darkside I would not think twice about it."

Stiles and I are having a starwars marathon and its getting pretty intense.


"hmm?" I dont look towards Stilinski because the movie is getting pretty good.

Honestly Im not even paying much attention to him.

"Cora. Can you look at me?"

Oh great somethings wrong. I pause the movie and look at Stiles. We are both sitting on the couch indian style facing eachother.

"Can we talk about something?" My heart starts beating really fast and I think he might want to break up.

"No Im not going to break up with you Hale" He must have saw the panic in my eyes.

"What is it?"

"Its my mom. I know we are like official now and youve met my dad but, Listen I know shes dead and all but I uh"

I grab both his hands reasuringly

"Stiles of course Ill visit your mothers grave with you. Itd be my pleasure." I can see the nervousness fall right out of him when he hears me speak.

"Thanks Cora it uh means a lot. It really does." He looked sad and upset at the thought of his lost mom.

"Ive lost family. A lot of family Stiles. I know it sucks. Im here for you always remember that." He leaned in and kissed me softly and slowly. Then he put his hands on my cheeks and started kissing me hard, with urgency and passion. He put his hands on my back as I slid mine through his hair. I pushed his shoulders back making him lay on the couch with me on top of him. Things were getting heated pretty fast. Id love to have sex with Stiles just not yet.. not now. I was slowly withdrawing from each kiss hoping hed catch on.

"Cora listen we dont have to do this, if youre not ready Im not ready, we can take our time no worries."

A wave of relief suddenly flows right through me. Im so glad he is understanding and thoughtful.

"I want it to be special. Its my first time and I want it to be just right. With you."

"I wouldnt want my first time to be with anyone but you." I give him a slow long kiss and unpause the movie.

Stilinskis eyes were closing and slowly opening just for him to fall back asleep again. I can tell the poor guy is extremly tired and in need of sleep.

"Get some sleep babe Ill head out ok?"

He nods a little and we walk up to his room. I like exiting from his window and I wanted to make sure he was safe in bed before I left.

Almost instantly Stilinski passes out on his bed. I see this Star Wars v-neck laying on the floor abd decide to take it with me.

I decided to wear his shirt to school the next day and surprise him. I dont have as long of a torso as him so the v-neck is pretty deep and shows some cleavage. Im feeling pretty confident in my outfit today. When Im walking down the halls i get a noticable ammount of stares.

"Hey Stilinski" Stilinski looks shocked and nervous. I can tell hes trying really hard not to look at my boobs.

"Uh um is that my shirt?"

"Ya i took it last night, I hope you dont mind." It was getting more and more obvious that Stilinski was struggling to keep eye contact with me.

"Yeah its um uh nice uh yea" I lean in and whisper into his ear. "Its ok to look." then wink at him.

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