Chapter 2: Skinny defenseless Stiles getting in a fight?

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Did someone just throw something at me? Yup theres a ball of paper on the floor. I swear I'm going to rip someones throat out. I scan the room to see if anyone looks like they threw the paper.

Bingo. There he is looking around the class trying really hard to avoid eye contact.

"Stilinski!" I whisper, so the teacher wont hear "Throw one more paper at me and I swear I'll pop your tires!"

That really got his attention "Oh come on! "

"Excuse me? Do you have something to say to the class Mr. Stilinski?"

Uh oh Mr. Harris is mad now. Great.

"The real question is do you have something to say to me?"

The class snickers. Way to go Stilinski now youre in big trouble. Its like the kid doesnt know right from wrong.

"Well yes I'd like to tell you that you'll be serving detention today after school."

Now his big toothy grin has disapeared and his mouth is wide open. "Stilinski you are an idiot."

"Shut up Cora." And on that note he gives me a sarcastic smile then rolls his eyes.

I hear a familiar voice say"Nice going Stiles!"

"Watch it Isaac. Why are you wearing a Scarf?" I giggled and Isaac just shrugged is shoulders and went back to the lesson.

As I'm walking to lunch I see Scott and I can tell somethings wrong. my senses tell me hes very nervous. "Scott! wait up! whats wrong?"

"Its Stiles! I heard some kids talking about how hes going to get jumped for being a smartass"

Great! Skinny defenseless Stiles getting in a fight? This is going to be bad. Me and Scott start sprinting to the doors and as soon as we open them sure enough there is a crowd of people standing in a circle. With the schools biggest douchebag and most sarcastic asshole standing in the middle. This is so unfair Marks twice his size. My hearts racing and Im so nervous for Stiles. Scott needs to step in right now and save him.

Stiles was in the middle of a bad situation and all he can say is "Woah dude calm down it was just a joke." Typical Stilinski.

Just when Mark was about to punch Stiles Scott grabs his fist and says "How about you pick on someone whos a fair fight." and throws him to the floor. Go scott!

Scott picks up Mark by his shirt and slams him into the floor Incredible Hulk style. Then he lets him get back up and clocks him square in the jaw. Mark lands a few hits on him but Scott is really messing him up.

Just when I thought all the fighting was just about over I see two guys walk towards Stilinski and punch him in the face, then start kicking him and hitting him. This fills me with anger and I can feel myself wolfing out so I think of my family who died in the fire. They are my anchor. The thought of them helps me control my wolf side. Now Im focusing all my anger on the guys hurting stilinski.

Hell no. Not my friend. I rush towards the guys and throw them to the floor, and start kicking them over and over in the balls till i realize everyones gone quiet. "What?" I shout and everyone is just staring. I realize this is completely weird to have a girl beat up 2 guys and im getting nervous and embarrassed. Then I hear a few people start clapping and someone say "I knew you were tough but not that tough Cora!" I didn't know what to do so I just smiled and laughed a little like a complete idiot brushing off all the nervousness till Mrs. Blake came and gave us all detention. Greeeaat. Detention all over Stilinski.

I look down and Stilinski is bleeding on his forehead and lip. I take him to the boys locker room and sit him on the bench."Does it hurt?" I ask him. I dont know why I asked. I know it hurts because it looks really painful.

"A little but I will manage."

I know hes lying. I know that hurts like a bitch. Without thinking I grab his arm and start taking his pain away.

"What are you doing Cora?"

"Whats it look like I'm doing idiot? I'm taking away your pain." Hes so dumb sometimes. I feel bad for the kid Im always a little hard on him but Im kind of mean to everyone.

"why are you staring at me like that?"

"You know Cora, I know you act like you don't care and you think that if you insult me it will prove that you care about no one but yourself, but youre wrong. Youre a girl I know you care about other people. You may be a Hale but I know you have feelings!"

Ouch. That was a big smack in the face. Was I really that mean to him? "Im sorry Stiinski it's just the way I am. I can't help it."

"I didnt mean it in a bad way its just"

Was he closing his eyes? Is he trying to kiss me? Oh my god he is. What the fuck. He needs to stop right now before I have to punch him. I just sat there with my eyes opened as he tried to kiss me. His lips were so close to mine when Scott walked in. Thank you Scott. I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the room while Scott held open the door.

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