Chapter 3: I hate Stilinski

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Really Scott. Reeeaaallly.

"Bro I'm sorry! I didn't know you liked Derek Hales sister! Did you hear me? Derek Hale!"

I know Scott is trying to be nice and help but I'm so pissed off right now. "You know what Scott? I get it. I get that it's Cora Hale and that it's Dereks sister but I can't change that I am starting to like her." I can see the confusion on Scotts face.

"Woah dude I'm not trying to be mean I'm totally supportive of you guys I mean shes a good looking girl and she kinda has a big ass and"


"Oh yeah sorry but what Im trying to say is, if Derek gives you any problems, come to me. Ok buddy?"

"Ok buddy."


Did I just let Stilinski almost kiss me? What was I thinking? He is gross and never washes his clothes. Am I falling for Stilinski? Of course not it was just the heat of the moment and I've never had a boyfriend. Yeah that's why.

Schools over but I have to stay and go to detention with Scott and Stilinski. This is going to be so awkward. Right when I walk through the door Scott and Stilinski just stare at me.

"Oh hey Cora!!" Stiles screamed at me with a bright smile while waving in my direction.

"Stilinski no talking." Growled a deep voice. Great Mr. Harris is our detention teacher.

Half an hour goes by when the first paper ball hits the back of my shoulder. I dont even have to look to know its Stilinski.

Sorry about the locker room.

Hes saying sorry for trying to kiss me? Did he not want to kiss me or something?.

I wrote back Its whatever. dont ever do it again Stilinski

Will do. well i guess its will not?

Shut up Stilinski.

Five minutes pass and he hasnt thrown the paper back. Well I guess I did tell him to shut up. I turn around and hes asleep. Of course.

"Im letting you guys go early today. leave."

Hell yeah. As im packing up my bag I can see Stilinski is still asleep and so is Scott.This is the perfect time to mess with them. This should be fun. I get both my text books and drop them atleast 3 feet from the table.


Right when the books hit the table Scott and Stiles look like they are having a panic attack and wiggle around in their seats till they fall off of them.

"Really Cora!"

Im laughing to hard to reply so they are both just staring at me till they end up laughing too. When we have all gathered our senses back I remember that Stilinski needs to give me a ride. "You owe me a ride home Stilinski."

"Alright lets go. See ya Scott!"

I hop in his car and its silent and awkward. "Why dont we put the radio on?" I ask then I remember I broke it. "Oh yeah.. sorry about that." Oops.

"Its fine it didn't work well anyways I guess."

His hand was lying next to the stick and I just have this urge to grab it. I grab his hand and look him directly in his soft brown eyes and tell him "I really am sorry" I can feel the car slowing down like he forgot to press the gas but we are still looking in each others eyes like we can't look away. I dont know what it is about him but he's so distracting to me. It's like I can't stand him but I find myself wanting to be near him. then the sound of a car honking breaks us out of our gaze.

Stilinski whipped his head out his window and screamed "Hey sorraaayyy!" What an idiot. I can't stand this guy hes so annoying! Ok shut him out Cora, shut him out.

"Got your game face on or something?" he asked me. This guy really has the nerve to say something as ridiculous as that to me? "Shut up and take me home."

"Woah whats wrong with you? Wake up on the wrong side of the den this morning sour wolf jr.?"

Thats it. Hes always calling me Sour Wolf Jr. and always takes things as a joke. I dont know why he makes me so angry all the time. "You know Stilinski it really pisses me off that you think it's funny that Im always a 'sour wolf' did you ever think me and Derek are so angry all the time because we watched our family burn to death?" and with that we were right by Dereks loft. Before he had the chance to speak I stormed out of his car without looking back once. I hate him. I swear I hate Stilinski.


What just happened? Did I really just upset her? I was just joking around. Oh god what am I going to do now? Great now she probably hates me more. I gotta fix this. I tried calling her 5 times but she just ignores them everytime. So Im just going to go home and talk to Scott or something. This sucks.

It's around 12 a.m. and me and Scott just got off the phone when I hear something outside. I grab my bat and slide open my window. Right when I shout "Whos there!?" a pair of claws rip me out of my room and onto the roof.

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