Chapter 6: I hope one day I find a love like Scotts and Allison's.

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Did she tell me to kiss her? Oh our first kiss can't be when she is unconscious. I want it to be special. Really special like the notebook type of special.That's how much I like this girl. Its almost unhealthy. no one has made me feel this way. Not even Lydia. I think this is a one time thing and she's dying. Perfect.

"Stay with me Cora" I whisper to her. She's unconscious and it's scarring the hell out of me. I don't know what to do. OK I remember on CSI they check the pulse. OK hearts beating. Now check the breath. OK she's breathing too good. Scott rushes into the room panting for air.

"Oh no"

"I know Scott. its freaking terrifying. I don't know if she will make it. We need that bullet Scott. We need to check all those guns for a bullet." Scott looks terrified. This is terrible. Melissa told us she would keep an eye on Cora while we checked the guns. This is absolutely going to be a long night. We only need to check 6 guns.

10 minutes have passed and none of the guns had bullets in them. What bastards. I'm literally so scared that I might lose this girl. We need another option. "Call your girlfriend."

"What?" Scott had the biggest confused look on his face. "Call your girlfriend Scott. I'm sure they have a bullet that will fix this. Actually call Your boss I'll call your girlfriend." I dialed Allison's number knowing it off the top of my head. It rang 4 times before she picked up.

"Hello? Stiles why are you calling me?"

"Cora got shot. She's dying it was wolfsbane. We are taking her to Deaton so he can tell us the type of wolfsbane."

"okay and?"

"And we know you guys have plenty of Wolfsbane bullets. hopefully you will have the same one she got shot with so we can keep her alive."

"OK I'll bring all the wolfsbane bullets and meet you at Deatons. Tell Scott I love him and to be safe." Then she hang up.

I carried Cora into my car laid her in the passenger seat and buckled her up. As I'm driving I keep looking over at her for what seems to be every 5 seconds.

"Stiles she's not going anywhere buddy stay focused on the road."

Scott was in the backseat resting his head on his hands. From my peripheral vision I can see Scott slide his hand into Cora's. "Scott what are you doing?"

He doesn't respond he just cringes and groans in pain. He's taking her pain away. I can see his veins turn black as he attempts to take her pain away. "Alright Scott that's enough." He's screaming now and his eyes are a dark red. His fangs are coming out and I'm afraid he's becoming weaker and weaker. If Scott doesn't stop he's going to kill himself. "Scott cut it out!" I scream so he can hear me over his wails of pain. He's becoming weaker and weaker I can see his hand shaking as he grips tighter onto hers.

He's still screaming in pain but will not let go. I try to push his hand away but it doesn't work. I check my pockets and find the lighter we used for the fireworks. I light the flame and burn Scotts hand. He immediately let's go but instead of cussing me out he faints as well. I get out of the car go to the backseat and check his heart and breathing. OK he's just unconscious.

When I get to Deatons Derek is there. I don't know how he found out about all this or who told him but I'm fine with it. "Derek carry Scott he's heavier than Cora. I got Cora." I told him as I removed Cora's seatbelt and lifted her in my arms. We placed them both on deatons tables that he usually puts animals on.

The entire time Deaton was working working on Cora taking blood samples and searching for any fragments of wolfsbane left in her wound Derek held her hand the whole time. I wanted to hold her hand to but Scott was still unconscious so I sat next to my best friend and waited for him to wake up.

Allison arrived after about 30 minutes. She gasped when she saw Scott and ran to him kissing his forehead telling him its alright. "What happened to him?" She whispered and she kissed his knuckles lovingly. "He just took to much of Cora's pain. it weekend him he will be fine,"

"thank god." Then she interlocked her fingers in his. I don't know if it was her voice but when she said "I love you Scott" and kissed his forehead he woke up instantly. Allison did a happy gasp and smiled brightly.She hugged his body and stroked his hair gently as he rubbed her back. "I love you so much Scott."

"I love you more Allison." They started kissing. But it wasn't typical kissing it was with passion and love. They were so in love you could tell just by the way they look at each other. I hope one day I find a love like Scotts and Allison's.

Allison and Scott were asleep in Allison's car. I went to check on them and Allison was in Scotts arms without a top on and a blanket over her. Scott was also shirtless sleeping. I was going to tell them to go home but they looked so peaceful I left them alone.

At about 2 a.m. Cora woke up. She woke up about two hours after we had put the correct bullet powder in her wound. When I see her eyes open I jump up to go grab her hand but Derek was lighting quick and already at her side. He glared at me and I sat back down. "Cora are you alright?"

"I'm feeling better Derek."

Then she looked over at me. I could see her eyes soften and I think I'm the reason why. My heart flutters when she grins at me. "Derek can you leave us alone real quick?" Derek stared at me with his stone cold green eyes then through gritted teeth replied "Sure" then stormed out.

When Derek was gone I rushed to Cora's side and grabbed her hand. I didn't know what to say so I just stared at every part of her face. She was only in a bra because deaton needed her shirt off to see her wound. Her face was so beautiful I wasn't even tempted too look at her chest. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers.

"Stilinski." she said and her face softened and smiled. I was the reason she was smiling. Me. For years I tried to get.Lydia's attention and she gave me not nothing but Cora, she's different. "Cora I missed you."

"Stilinski thank you for being here for me" she touched my cheek and smiled softly. She was being caring and not the mean Cora I'm used too. I want to kiss her so bad. I can't let moments like this pass me by any more. I wrap my arms around he back and kiss her. I kiss her with passion and love. She has her hands on my face and isn't trying to stop me. She pulls away for one second and says "Stilinski" then kisses me again. Then pulls away for good and smiles at me. "Take me home Stilinski. And I don't mean Derek's loft." Then she kisses me again. I lift her off the table her lips still kissing mine. We stood their kissing, her in my arms her legs wrapped around my waist. I take her to my house and she lays in my bed while I make a bed on the floor. She insists that I lay on the bed with her but I don't feel like that's right. "Stilinski get up here!"

I laugh a little and reply "Cora no! I'm fine down here!" "Well you give me no choice" Then she comes down and lies next to me on the ground. We don't kiss or anything except cuddle all night and fall asleep in each others arms. it feels good to have a girl actually enjoy my company and like me for who I am.

I have been going back and forth from Stiles to Coras p.o.v. but from now on it will be Coras, thanks for reading!

White Nights (Stora)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant