Chapter 5: Kiss Me

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Oh my god. Oh my god. I just saw Cora naked. She just. Let me. See her naked. Oh my god. Oh my god. My pants. oh my god I have a-

"Wow Stilinski looks like it might be bigger than I was guessing" Then Cora smirks grabs a brush and leave the bathroom again. Holy hell. Im so embarrassed. What the hell. Calm down Stiles. Calm down. It wont go down! I just need to stop thinking about her bare ass-Stiles! Stop! Oh god.

After running cold water on my face and a very odd pep talk I gave myself I was able to calm down and leave the bathroom. Just my luck Cora is still in Scotts room laying on his bed. I sit next to her on the bed and tell her I need to have a talk. "Listen Im sorry about that I uh.."

"Its ok. I would have been surprised if you didnt get a boner actually. I have a nice body and I would assume your gay if that didnt happen"

"Well arent you just confident?"

"Im a Hale and a werewolf. Of course Im confident."

"Well you sure got to the point on that one." I tell her and smirk a little bit. Well this went from really awkward to actually normal. "Well Scotts waiting for me outside so uh bye Cora."

"Bye Stilisnki! Hey dont be thinking about me when you are being nasty now you hear?!"

"No promises!" I scream as I run down the stairs and out the door to my Jeep. Me and Scott catch a Movie then decide to sleep over at his house since my dads working double shifts tonight. Me and Scott were halfway up that stair when we heard Melissa scream "Booooys!" Me and Scott both sighed at the same time. We almost got away with being out so late. Almost.

"What makes you think its ok to be out at 12 at night on a school night? What makes that acceptable? Scott youre doing better this year and Id really hate to see you fail another class." I laugh a little and Scott elbows me in the ribs. "Watch it buddy Im still human remember!?"

Thats when I heard a very familiar growl. What is Cora doing here? Oh yeah Shes staying because of Derek and what not. Why is she growling though?

"You heard that too?" Scott whispered. What the hell is going on?

"Scott. I think its hunters." Right when she said that a smoke gernade flew through the window. "Mom and Stiles get to my room!" Shouted Scott. Well great. Now Im missing the action.


I swear to god I hate Hunters. The room was so smokey I almost couldnt see Scott if his eyes didnt glow such a dark red. "We cant fight in here!" I shout at Scott.

"I know! we have to take this outside. we cant go through the front door though they will shoot us!"

"Lets try the second floor then!" We run to his room and look out the window. These were definitley hunters of some sort. They just looked very pale and odd.

"Ok so we need a distraction. like smoke. But I dont have smoke gernades at all. Im not a crazy hunter. We need to blind them Somehow."

"How are we going to use smoke without a smoke gernade? We are screwed."

"Not so fast guys." I look over and Stiles is holding a pack of smoke bombs that you buy on the Fourth of July to celebrate. "Stilinski I love you right now youre a freaking genius." I tell him as i grab the smoke bomb pack and start searching the room for tape.

"Here use this to bind them up." Said Scott as he through electrical tape at me. Just when I thought our plan was working out I realised we needed someting to make them spin in circles like the smoke gernades do. "Guys this will never work if we dont have something that will make this spin."

"got that too!" Screamed Stilinski as he through me three firecrackers. This is going to be so dangerous. As soon as all the fireworks were taped together I lit them as Scott opened the door and I threw them as close to the hunters as possible. Right when the smoke bomb left my hand we dashed to his room opening the window and jumping off the side of the house. The street was covered in red, blue, blue, and orange smoke. We sprinted as fast as we could to the sides of the hunters and started attacking them. We tried our hardest to disarm them in the smoke but it was too hard to see. "We have to get back inside. Its too smokey out here!" I screamed and we took off to the house. Im almost at the doorway when I feel the bullet plunge through my back. I fall to the floor instantly. Scott screams my name but my body is litteraly numb at this point and I cant move at all. Scott crawls outside and pulls me into the house. "I thought we bent all their guns!" he screamed frantically as he slammed the door. "STILES!" He roared so loud it hurt my ears. Stiles rushed out of the room and stood at the top of the stair case looking terrified. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he stared at my bleeding back and torso. My torso was bleeding because one of the bullets went all the way through my back and exited through my torso. I ripped my shirt off to see the wound and almost lost my shit. It was wolfsbane. My wound was turning black and gross looking. Looks like I might be dying tomorrow.

Stilinski rushed down to me from the top stairs and he was shaking bad.

"Cora. Oh my god Cora. Cmon Lets take you to Melissa." I could barely walk and Stilinski was shaking so bad he could barely support me.

We were up the first step when I could hear Scott outside kicking the crap out of the hunters. Scott was so mad Ive never been around him when hes like this. Its like all his anger is pouring out of him everytime he kicks or punches those guys. Scott is usually so sweet.

Stilinski and I barely make it up the stairs before we are too exahausted to stand anymore. Melissa sees us a takes me immediatley inti Scotts room. She gives me some pain medication but its Wolfs Bane I know it wont help. Ske tells Stilinski "Keep her awake while I get the first aid kit" then rushes out of the room. I can feel myself about to pass out.

"Cora stay with me. Look me in the eyes stay with me." His eyes we so cute. They were the prettiest brown eyes ever. And his eyelashes we so long and beautiful. He keeps telling me to look at him so I decided to focus on every inch of his face. I focus on his pink lips that are shaped perfectly and look so so soft. I focus on his hair thats extremely messy and need a hair cut. Then I look at the moles on his cheek. I can feel my vision blackening at the edges of my eyes. Im going to die. I look at his eyes and can tell all the emotions he was feeling. He is scared and sad and worrried for me. His eyes were so beautiful. If Im going to die he better kiss me first. "Kiss me." I tell him as my vision begins to fade more rapidly. "Kiss me."

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