Chapter 14: That lacrosse jersey is pretty hot.

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Stiles and I awkwardly walk to the seats near Allison and Scott. I take the desk by Scott and Stilinski takes the one in front of me.

"What is he doing here?" I whisper to Scott and he grips his desk even tighter. "I dont know but if he messes with me and my pack, he isnt going to stay here." Scott was gripping his desk so hard his claws came out and left scratch marks on it.

"Scott" I hear Allison whisper to him and lay a hand on his shoulder, "I dont know what is making you so tense and angry but it will be ok." She gives him a heart warming smile and I watch Scotts grip instantly loosen up. His heart wasnt beating fast but someones was. Stiles. His heart was racing and he was staring down at his desk with a blank expression.

"Scott." I whisper so the devil teacher wont hear me. "Why is he hear? what happened to Mr. Harris?"

Scotts heart slowly beat faster.




"I dont know but this isnt good."

"Did you say something Mr. McCall?"My heart skips a beat when he calls out Scott. Mr. Martinez smiled at Scott, seemingly harmless to everyone else, but we, we knew. We knew who this man really was, what he really did. Scotts expression hardened and he looked Mr.Martinez dead in the eye, I swear I heard the teachers heart pick up a beat.

"Yes. I. was. wondering. where. Mr. Harris. Is" Scott dragged out each pause inbetween each word, while giving Martinez a deadly stare. If looks could kill, he would have dropped dead instantly.

"He.... quit." He smiles menacingly at Scott and everyone in the room can feel the tension. Scott was gripping the edges of his desk again and he needed to be calmed down. I leaned over and placed my hand on his knee, giving him a nod to let him know this is ok, that we can beat this guy. He nods back at me and I remove my hand from his knee. Allison and Stiles both give me weird looks but try to cover them up with smiles. I can practically smell their jealousy but I just ignore it.

"Ok everyone can leave class but Stilinski and McCall." I give Scott and Stiles the 'What The Fuck is Going On?' look and they shrug their shoulders, Stiles dropping his highlighter cap to the floor.

The class packs up their bags and all start to walk out of class except for me, Stiles, Scott, Allison, and Lydia. We have our things in our bags all packed up and we all start to walk to the front of his desk.

"Oh this is funny I only asked for two of you." Mr. Martinez laughs and swivels around on his heels to face the five of us.

Scott leaned in over Martinez's desk. "Listen, I dont know what game you are trying to play but if you dare put one of your grimey little hands on anyone in my pack, I wont hesitate to end your life." Scott straightens himself up, grabs Allisons hand, and we all walk out of the class, leaving Mr. Martinez speachless.

"Way to go McCall! Didnt know you had it in you." I hit Scott with my elbow and he laughs.

"Well Im the alpha now, you cant threaten my pack."

"See now you are learning the ways of being in a real pack! Its almost like you were born a werewolf McCall." Scotts smile never leaves his face but Allisons and Stilinskis do. Again they are getting jealous of me and Scott and its irritating but I act like I dont notice.

The pack and I walk into the lunch room where we are greeted with the sixth and final member of our pack, Mr. Lahey.

"Whats up guys." He greets us all with smiles and hugs. After chitchatting with Isaac Scott gets down to business and fills him in on what happened third period. "Wow, what a dick. So are we going to finish him off?" Isaac asks.

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