Chapter 15: Jealous Derek?

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"What are you thinking about C?" We are still on the blanket staring at the creek and trees. Ive been thinking for awhile now, about how I got here in the first place, I mean this whole romance with me and Stiles happened so fast. Like so freakin fast.

"I dont know, its just this happened so fast it freaks me out. I mean we made out a lot today and I dont even know what we are. I mean youre such a good guy and."

"Cora! youre talking really fast, take a breather." Sometimes when I get nervous I ramble on and stuff. I talk really fast and its hard for me to quit talking. My mom said she did it when she was little..

"C, I know this happened fast and its scary I know. It freaks me out too. Its weird how much Im into you. You just, you get me. The way you stick up for yourself and you dont let any man think less of you become youre a girl its just, Youre amazing C."



"You are litteraly so sweet it makes me cringe."

"Yeah but I know you love it." He was right. I do love it when he is cheesey and lame. Its cute and I love it.

"Weeelllll why dont we head on home? Its getting late and I dont want people to worry." He flashes me a smile and winks.

"Sure thing C, lets get you home." He stands up and offers me a hand. I take it and pull myself up with it. He smiles and we both go to either side of the blanket and start to fold it up. When it is folded up we walk to the Jeep. He opens my door and I laugh and give him a kiss on the cheek. His face lights up and he shuts the door, walks to his trunk, places the blanket in it then sit in the front seat.

"Next stop, the Hale House." He does this lame spooky laugh and I slap his chest. Surprisingly it has firm solid muscle underneath his jersey and it just reminds me how little I know of his body.

"Take your shirt off." His facial expression turns into shock and he looks over at me with his mouth open.

"wait excuse me what?" He turns his attention back to the road and I laugh a bit.

"Take your shirt off!" He still looks confused and its such a good look on him. He squints his eyes at me and asks "why?" "Because!" I reply while biting my lip and raising my eyebrows at him. "I've never seen your torso and Im curious. Plus I really like to see guys muscles." He looks at me like he is about to protest but he slams on his breaks saying "Ah fuck it." and throwing his shirt off. Wow. He totally shouldnt wear a shirt. Like ever again. His chest was perfectly smooth with a six pack and perfect looking pecs. Dont get me started with his biceps because damn he has nice ass biceps. They arent too big but they arent too small.

"Well?" I shake my head when I realise I was staring and laugh.

"Definitely unexpected but a pleasant surprise." I give him a smirk and he blushes.

"So its good? like my body is fine?" I want to scream "fuck yeah!" but I think that might be a bit inapropriate.

"Of course it is." I lean over in my seat and kiss his bicep slowly while placing my hand on his. He tenses up and freezes when my lips meet his skin. I pull them away and he exhales a deep breath then loosens up. "You ok there?" I lift my eyebrow up at him and he does this dorky laugh and I can tell he is embarrassed.

"Uh yeaah." He starts to drive away and I pick up his shirt and dangle it in the air. "Hey loverboy you can put this back on now." With a shakey hand he grabs the shirt and slips it back on. He must be nervous. I listen to his heartbeat and its irregular and beating fast. Why is he so shaken up? It takes one look at his pants to know why.

"Stiles, stop that!" He looks down at his pants and makes this pathetic sad face.

"I uh, I cant just stop it." He avoids eye contact with me the whole time. I laugh and lean my head against the window.

"I just wont look then."

"Thanks, C." He sounds so humiliated and embarrassed it makes me feel so bad for him. I want to make him feel better so I grab his free hand with both my hands and kiss it. "Dont be ashamed, it happens to all guys right? Girls have embarrassing moments too its OK." The whole time I tried to use my most sympathetic voice to make him feel better. I mean it happens right?

"Uh Im still sorry thats weird." We both kind of laugh and I turn up the radio.

"And here we are." He breaks at dereks loft and got out of the car.

"What are you doing? You know Derek wont want you in his loft.." He stretched out his arms and made a moaning sound. "I know I just want to give you a hug." He stretches his arms around my body and we sway back and forth in the moonlight.

"Ok I think your brother is waiting." He lets go and points at the figure standing infront of the large wall of windows.

"Oh god" I mumble under my breath and turn away to start walking off.

"Hey" he grabs my hand forcing me to turn my body around halfway. "I love you C." Panic starts to creep through my body and Im left standing their with a dumb look on my face. I dont know if I should say it back because Im not 100 percent positive I do love him. Since I dont want to say it back I squeeze his hand and give him a smile. It was a sweet smile where I dont show my teeth and my dimples show. I hurry up to the loft looking back once to see Stilinski cursing at his feet muttering "stupid stupid." and hopping into his car.

"What was that?" Derek demanded in his low winey voice.

"What was what?" I ask confused and deffensive.

"Stiles! "I love you"? really Cora? Thats ridiculous." God I have had it with him always being on my back about Stikinski. Its my life and I will do what want.

"Get off my fucking back Derek! So what if he loves me, is that your business? No! Youre not my father."

"Youre right fathers dead and Im all you have left!"

"I dont care! Youre not my father or my mother and you dont act like it... You act like a jealous boyfriend or something!" Dereks face froze up and I lifted up my eyebrow. "You are jealous huh" I say while slowly walking towards him waving my finger at him. His heart is hammering out of his chest and he is frozen and tense."All those times you said that I was too young, or that it was bad for me to date it was really because YOU liked him!" He balls his hands up into fists and turns away.

"Cora, leave me alone." he growls and I can tell he is pissed. Well I am even more pissed.

I laugh in Dereks face and run up to my room.  I call Allison instantly.

"Allison GUESS WHAT."

"Oh my god what?"

"Derek. You know how he is always mean and rude when it comes to Stiles? Well I comfronted him and he admitted to liking Stiles." I heard a huge gasp on the other line.

"What? No! That cant be true!"

"It is! I swear! Im so mad right now hes been playing the mom and dad card all out of jealousy!"

"Gosh that so crazy I still cant believe it."

"I know! Anyway Im super tired Im going to go to sleep! Good night love you girl."

"Love you too!" She hangs up the phone and I put mine on the charger.

"What a night." I whisper to myself before curling up into bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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