Chapter 7: No one plays Cora Hale

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I wake up to Stilinski snoring with his arm around me. Yup he's drooling. How do I like this guy he's so nasty but so cute. Yes I, Cora Hale called Stilinski cute. Get over it he's a cute guy. Well I need to get home to get some clothes from the loft. I don't want to wake up stiles so I think I will leave a note. I also take his flannel since I didn't have a shirt he let me borrow one too sleep so I'll just take this shirt too. I've gotten pretty close with Allison lately so I decided to call her for a ride. immediately she bombards me with questions.

"I see you are wearing his shirt, did you?" She laughs and nudges my shoulder.

"No Allison we didn't do anything I promise!"

"Mmmhmmm sure you didn't" we both just laughed and drove off. She dropped me off at Derek and I kissed her cheek and thanked her for the ride.

"I can smell him on you."

"Derek what the fuck"

"Did you sleep with him? Is that it? I see you are wearing his shirt too, did you take that from him as well?"

"Derek I'm 17, and you're not my father. Leave me alone I can make decisions for myself. And no I didn't sleep with stilinski or do anything with him. I don't even like him, he's in love with Lydia remember? so calm down I can have guy best friends."

OK maybe I stretched the truth a little. I'm not sure if I like him or not. I was a bit loopy off the morphine I was given when I was asleep and ya. I vaguely remember last night and I don't even remember asking stilinski to take me home so I'm pretty sure we never kissed. Anyways Its ditch day and me, scott, Allison, Lydia, Isaac, and Stilinski are all catching a movie and going to get fro-yo.

At the movies Allison and Scott cuddled together the whole time. Stilinski held my hand for a little over 2 minutes till I saw him look over at Lydia and I could tell he still loved her. I let go of his hand instantly.

"Cora what's wrong?"

"Leave me alone Stiles and watch the movie." I never call him stiles so he better realize how mad I am. Calling him stiles is like your mom calling you by your whole name. Big time trouble. He looked over at lydia again. I had to use the restroom so I got up and walked passed Stiles and Lydia. When I looked at them I almost felt heartbroken or something. I just felt betrayed because only 10 minutes ago he was holding my hand now he's holding lydias. Cora hale doesn't get played.

Instead of using the restroom I I bought a soda and popcorn. When returning to my seat I 'tripped' and spilt the soda all over stiles. He jumped up instantly screaming "Cmon!!" Then half the theater told him to shut up. I laughed and sat back down. Scott and Isaac gave me confused looks and I just shrugged my shoulders and grinned a little. That'll show him. I'm officially done with this kid.

The movie ends and I take a ride in Allison's car asking Scott to ride with Stiles. Scott is a natural born sweetheart and let's me take his place in Allison's car. Allison and I rock out to the music on the radio knowing every word to almost every song. Yes I am very girly around Allison. We are very girly together actually. When we park at the frozen yogurt shop she looks at me with a straight face. "What's up with you and Stiles?"

"Nothing? Him and Lydia have a thing now."

"Well OK as long as you aren't getting hurt I'm fine with him and Lydia I guess."

"I love you Allison."

"Love you too girl now let's go stuff our faces!"

I could tell Allison and Scott wanted to eat alone and talk to each other so I left Allison with Scott and sat with Isaac Stiles and Lydia.

Right when I sat down I greeted Isaac with a hello and a smile.

"What flavors did you get?" He asked me and smiled. He took a bite out of his yogurt and he just did it so seductively. Isaac was mysterious to me. He was quiet and cute. I wouldn't mind flirting with someone as hot as Isaac lahey. "Vanilla with a bunch of toppings, you?"

"Are those cheesecake bites? I love cheesecake bites!" I'm pretty sure this was Isaacs way of asking for Cheesecake bites so I put some in my spoon and fed him them. He looked me in the eye the whole time and slowly took his mouth off the spoon. yup. Isaac Lahey is flirting with me.

One minute I'm feeding Isaac cheesecake bites the next minute we are making out in my room.

What happened was after we ate the group wanted to go to Stiles house and I didnt. Allison knew I was mad at Stiles and let Isaac drive me home in her car. He walked me to the door and asked if Derek was home. No one knows were Derek ever is so I told him he could check to see if he's in the house. I was sitting him my room putting on another flannel that wasn't Stiles when Isaac tapped on the door.

"Uh Cora Derek's not here so I'm going to head out."

"OK but can you help me button the cuffs on my arms? I can never do them I usually have Derek do it for me but"

"Sure Cora" Isaac was always calling me Cora. even when it wasn't needed and I found it hot. He is so tall it took him two steps to walked halfway through the room to me. He grabbed my hand and started to button up the sleeves when he looked at me. He just stared his seductive stare. I didn't have a clue of what to do so I just stared back. "You have a hair right here" then he brushed away a hair that was close to my mouth.

Yes he touched my lips with his thumb and I'm trying hard not to swoon. I just giggled like a complete idiot then he was kissing me.

Hey I'm a girl and I have hormones and if Isaac Lahey wants to kiss me I'm going to let him.

I brushed my hands through his hair and he rubbed his hands all over my back. The whole time me and Isaac were kissing I just couldnt stop thinking about how I wish it was Stilinski I was kissing.

Right on cue Stilinski walks in and you can see the hurt on his face. You can see the pain and anger flood through him.

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