Chapter 8: You always pull me away.

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Stiles rushes towards Isaac and punches him in the face. Oh shit. I dont know why he is so mad. He was just with Lydia holding her hand but I cant kiss another guy?

Isaac pushed Stilinski down and kicked him when he was on the floor.

"Isaac fucking stop! you piece of shit your dad walked all over you when you were young and bullied you and you think that now since you are a werewolf and stronger than people that you can bully them?" I punched Isaac in the face and screamed at him to leave. He left and I rushed to Stilinskis side.

He was bruising on his side and had a busted lip. This was all my fault. This was litteraly all my fault.

"Stiles Im so sorry. Im so sorry." I checked his body for other cuts and bruises and found nothing.

I started taking away his pain. I watched my viens turn black and felt his pain consume me.

"I think my ribs broken." That would explain why he was in so much pain. My viens were turning black all up my neck and my eyes were starting to glow yellow. I can feel my fangs coming out and I cant help but to scream in pain.

"Cora stop."

I keep taking his pain till I feel like Im about to pass out.

"Im so sorry this is all my fault." I dont know why but when Im around Stiles its like Im wearing my heart on my sleeve.

When Im around him im different. Im sweeter. Im nicer. Its like being around Allison. They just bring out the good in me I guess.

"Cora Im fine. Just tell me why you were kissing him. Is it because hes a werewolf too? Is that it? Am I not good enough for you?" Hes trying to throw a pitty party for himself? When he was holding MY hand one minute then LYDIAS the next? Oh hell no.


I can not believe he has the nerve to try and make me feel bad after what he did.

"Cora Ive loved her since 3rd freaking grade and"

"So go be with her then! If you love her so fucking much go be with her! Where is she right now? Do you really think she loves you back just because Jackson is gone and she is seaking comfort?"

"Cora listen to me! It was just in the moment, she slid her hand by mine and let me grab it. I realized it was wrong! I realized that no matter how much I love her somehow YOU always pull me away from her. YOU get me like she doesnt. Thats why Im hear to say sorry to YOU because youre one hell of a friend and I dont want to lose YOU." Wait. Did Stiles chose me over Lydia? Lydia Martin? The girl hes been in love with since 3rd grade? I dont know how to feel about this. Im shocked I really am but Im just glad he didnt say he loved me because I like him but not that much.

"You dont really like him do you"

He sounded hurt and sad. He sounded dissapointed and a little bit mad. Hell he looked mad. He also looked curious and hes sitting on my floor holding himself up with his elbows crinckling his nose and squinting his eyes.

"Of course not. I hate everyone. I just thought he was hot."

"Well I hope my dashing looks arent the only reason you are sticking with me."

"No promises." We laugh a little then it just gets very quiet. We are still on my floor and Im positive Stiles rib is broken.

I still feel bad so I find some left over morphine from Deaton and give it to him. "Lets take you to Deaton. He probably has some crazy way to heal you extremely fast." I lift him and sling his good side around my shoulder and we slowly walk to his car.

"Hey Stilinski is that morphine working?" His eyes were glazed over so Im pretty positive it was working. I also tried taking his pain away and its almost like he was in no pain. He wont stop giggling.

"I dont know whats working but your butt is huge." I turn red instantly. I know he is high off his ass but it still makes me blush.

When we arive at Deatons he tells us we should go to a real doctor so we do. Melissa is our nurse and shes as nice as can be. She is actually nicer than Scott and thats almost imposible. She is such a bubbley person she lights up the room with her smile and just makes you feel generaly happy when you are around her.

"His rib isnt broken he just has bad tissue bruising."

"Well thats a relief.

"What happened to him anyways?"

"Uh Isaac kicked him after Stiles punched him in the face.."

"Why did he punch him? thats so not like Stiles!"

I can feel my face turn red instantly. Im so embarrassed for why this all happened anyways. Stiles got jealous over me but I dont want to say that to Melissa itll just be awkward.

"Oh sweety dont tell me he punched him over you."

"Not really!" My face is red, I can just feel it burning up in embarrassment.

"Let me just tell you, if he is willing to go after a werewolf for you, he's a keeper." She patted my leg and started walking out. Melissa is so humble its actually freaky.

"Hey Melissa. Thanks for everything."

"Mothers duties!" She smiled and walked out. It feels good knowing I made Melissa smile. Maybe I'm starting to be nicer. I think Scotts pack makes me nicer than ever before. They are just great humble people and I want to be more like them. I want to be in their pack.

Im going to start being nicer now. I want to be a good person. In fact I want to be like Scott. I want to be a lot like Scott freaking McCall.

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