Chapter 4: Breakdown

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"Holy shit Cora!!" I thought Peter or something bad was trying to kill me but no its only Cora! She looks concerned. Her hair keeps getting messed up in the wind but its still beautiful.

"Im sorry. I needed to talk.''

"About?" Is Cora trying to be nice to me right now because that is so weird and not her.

"I just wanted to say sorry for freaking out tonight. Its just hard when youve seen youe family burn in your house and you are one of the few survivors. It's hard to be happy and funny when you can still remember them screaming in pain while they burned to death."

"Cora." I can see a tear roll down her cheek. This is a different side of her that Ive never seen before. Shes so vulnerable right now. Ive never seen her with her gaurd down. "Listen. I know its hard. Ive lost my mother too."

"I dont want your pitty Stiles I just came here to freaking say sorry! I dont need your pitty!"

Shes completly breaking down into tears and I have no idea what to do. So I decide to wrap her in my arms and hug her. At first she tried resisting my embrace but shes accepted it now and is just sobbing in my arms. I stroke her hair and tell her it will be ok and that everything will be fine.


I cant stop thinking about last night. How I let my gaurd down around Stilinski and let him see me cry. Im not saying I didnt enjoy him hugging me all night until I was back to my normal self but, all Im saying is I dont want him to think I like him now. Hes just a really good friend with a really nice face.

When I get in first period I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It was Stilinski.

Hey are you all better now? You didnt want me to pick you up this morning and I havent seen you today so Im a little concerned.

Great if he thinks we are a thing or something now hes crazy

Thanks for everything last night but I dont want you mentioning it to anyone ok Stilinski?


I decided not to reply and to actually read the book Ms. Blake assigned us. It was actually quite interesting. Im glad its not some Romeo and Juliet crap. Im getting really into the book when my phone buzzes again.

What class do you have right now?


Because I want to talk to you after class


I dont want him to think we are a thing and if I have to ignore him then thats the way it has to be.


Seriously Stilinski Im going to kill you. When I check my phone again its Derek calling so i decide to reject the message. He acts like Im a five year old girl still. I wish he would realize Im not a little girl anymore and that he is not my father.

Buzz. Its Derek again. what the hell could be so urgent? "Ms. Blake I need to use the restroom." this is the only way I can answer his call.

"Well youll have to wait till the period is over."

Are you kidding me. What if I actually had to pee? Or what if I was on my period? Screw this teacher. "Whatever" I told her and walked out the class without looking back. I have two missed calls from Derek now. "Hello?"

"Cora. Dont come back to the apartment. just whatever you do dont come back here, stay at Scotts or someones. Its too dangerous here. I have to go bye."

He hung up. I seriously only said one word what the hell. This is great. I need to find Scott. I go into my first period class grab all my stuff and completly ignore my teacher and just leave. Find Scott. Find Scott.

Im walking down the halls trying to pick up Scotts sent when I can feel another werewolf presence. Its in the room to my left. I peak through but I dont see Scott. After looking a little longer through the window I finally spot the wolf. Looking as bored and annoyed as possible, in a new scarf is Mr.Lahey. Dead end.

The bell signaling first period being over rings so I go and eagerly wait by Scotts locker. There he is! "SCOTT!"

"Uh Cora? I was kinda expecting Allison but yea..?"

"Derek called me. He said its too dangerous to go back to the loft, I need a place to crash for a couple nights. and dont ask where he is or what is wrong he didnt tell me. he just hung up."

"What? Do you think hes ok? We need to help him right now."

"You idiot he is fine. I could tell on the phone. Hes most likely laying low somewhere. Anyways can I crash at your place?"

"I mean yea. Stiles was going to spend the night tonight so I guess we can crash in the living room and you can take my bed?"

"Sorry but Ill take the couch."

As soon as I walk into Scotts house it smells like sugar and vanilla. Melissa does a really good job at keeping this huge house clean and on point.

"so uh heres my couch bathrooms upstairs in my room, and uh yeah. me and stiles are going to his house for a little bit so yeah see you later."

Scott leaves and tells me his mom is at work all night so I will be here alone tonight. After watching some stupid vampire show for almost an hour I decided to shower. Where did Scott say it was? Oh yeah his room. Great. I can smell the dirty socks and gym shorts right when I walk in. This guy is so freakin gross. I see a box of condoms on his dresser and try not to think about him and Allison....ew .

I see another door next to his bed, open it and im in his bathroom. Theres no lock. I guess I am home alone though. I undress and pour some soap into the tub while the water is running. A bubble bath is much needed for me right now. I sit in the tub for what seems like an hour just thinking about Derek and my family that burned in the fire. When I started dozing off in the tub. I was almost asleep when Stilinski burst through the door and started washing his hands frantically. I just stared at him with my mouth wide open till he noticed me.

"OH MY GOD" He screamed then looked at the tub and lifted an eyebrow. Thats when I realized almost all the bubbles were gone leaving my chest bare and in the open! I cant just jump out of the tub and punch him while Im naked. "Please get out." I groaned. I could feel myself turning red and he just kept staring like he'd never seen boobs before? Well Im not going to sit in this tub and feel embarrassed about my body. I can feel all this confidence just rising in me and I decide: Fuck it.

I get out of the tub naked and everything walk past Stilinski (Whos mouth is litteraly a gaping whole) grab a towel and walk out of the bathroom feeling fierce and confident as ever. I love my body and maybe I have to flaunt it around sometimes. Maybe.

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