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I wake up unable to get Hugh off my mind, and I know exactly why although I'm not much of admitting it to myself. He was cute, and I liked the attention. And although we have just met I really thought we could get somewhere. I know, I'm naive. But for once, I just hoped that I too would find someone. It just shows that guys are jerks, and apparently I'm not good enough. At least I tell myself that, although I know it's a lie. I'm enough. I am, and if I'm not then I surely haven't found the right guy. Therefore, this shouldn't bother me so much yet it does.

I get out of bed, put on my slippers and head for the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I'm not even in the mood to eat which is very unlike me. He has really gotten to me although I shouldn't let him. But why would he spend so much time with me only to step all over me?

Around 11 he writes me on messenger, and I can't help but wonder if I'm dreaming. Why the hell is he writing me?

You are great.

Three words, that's all there is, and I want to throw my phone at the wall. What the hell is that supposed to mean? How am I supposed to take that?

I am not sure whether or not you are being genuine. I text back. Because how would I know? I thought he liked me last night, but he sure could have fooled me.

I am! He texts back shortly after. I must admit, I'm flattered that he is writing me probably as the first thing in the morning, yet I'm not convinced.

You leave with two girls, and you're practically ignoring me, and then you text me the next morning. Honestly, I'm not sure what to think of that. I write, while sending a text to Maddie asking her to come over as I need to talk to her.

He doesn't answer after that, and I don't blame him, yet I can't help but feel like I pushed too far. What if he actually does think I'm great? I mean writing me the morning after is supposed to mean something isn't it? And just like that I'm pulled back into his web, and I regret what I wrote. I didn't mean to offend him.

It's past noon when Maddie makes it to my place. She looks tired and frankly so am I. But my body has a tendency to wake up at 9 at the latest no matter how late it is before I make it to bed. I'm thankful she's here though, I swear I don't know what I would do without her.

"Hi," I say giving her a cuddle. "I have coffee."

"Good. What's wrong?"

"Who said anything's wrong?" I ask letting her inside.

"You said you needed to talk. Normally that indicates something's wrong," she says heading for the kitchen. Clearly, she's going straight for the coffee.

"Hugh and I's wild night ended with him kissing someone else and leaving with two girls," I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, Lee," she looks at me apologetically, and I grab two mugs.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I'm never finding someone. He wrote me though," I say pouring her some coffee.

"What did he write?" She asks in a smile.

"You are great," I say getting eggs from the fridge.


"He wrote 'you are great," I huff. Perhaps she knows what to do with the situation. After all, she's better with guys than I am. I swear girls in relationships are instantly more attractive than singles. It's not fair.

"So, he does care. Doesn't it feel good hearing that?"

"I guess," I say shrugging finding a bowl to stir the eggs in. I don't really know what to think of the entire situation.

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