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I come to work Monday realising instantly as I hand Harry his cup of coffee that he isn't feeling too well. "You're sick, Harry," I state as I hand him his coffee.

"I'm fine," he says before sneezing, and I hand him a tissue as well.

"You don't sound fine, should I get you a cup of tea instead?"

"I'm fine," he repeats, and I suddenly get a feeling of déjà vu, only this time the roles have been reversed.

I send him a stare eyeing him sceptically, but I don't get to say anything else before he sneezes again. "Harry, this is all my fault, I bet you caught this from me. I'm sorry. I think we should get you home in bed."

"I have a ton of work to do," Harry complains.

"Then let me help you out. I know you have a meeting at noon, but why don't you let Colin take it instead," I say referring to one of the executives. As far as I know he's right under Harry, and since Harry's the boss, I assume he could ask him to do it.

"If I let you help me, then who's going to do your job?"

"What about one of the interns? It'll be good practice for them, besides if they're unsure about anything they can just go ask Lilian just like with everything else. Normally, when I'm busy she helps me out anyway so it's not like she doesn't know what she's doing."

"You know she used to have your job," he chuckles, and I'm happy to see that Harry is at least well enough to smile about things. But I think it would be good for him to stay home for the day to get some rest. He already works too much as it is, and I'm sure he hasn't got much sleep as bags have formed underneath his eyes.

"There you go then. No excuses, Harry. They'll manage."

"I guess I can make a few calls," Harry obliges.

"Good the sooner we get you home in bed the better," I say.

He raises his eyebrows at me, and at first I don't realise what I've said that triggerered him, but when I do I feel my cheeks flush.

"Who says I'm going home? And you trying to get me in bed are you?"

"You shouldn't stay here, Harry. You need to relax," I say dodging his unnecessary comment.

"You sound like you're the boss," he smirks, and I sigh at him. He can be a piece of work sometimes.

"Well when I called in sick you told me to take the rest of the week off, and if I'm not mistaken this is all my fault so I promise to help out. But I already think you work enough as it is, and I know how stubborn you can be. I know you'd never miss work because you were sick, but I really think a day in bed will do good for you, otherwise you might end up taking two weeks, and we don't want that do we?"

"So you're saying you're coming home with me to help out with work?"

"Whatever it takes for you to go easy on yourself," I say, and I realise that I've indirectly invited myself home to Harry's place. Why do I do things like this? This is going to be awkward, but I have to remind myself that this is strictly business and that we're going to work although the setting has been rearranged a little. With a smirk planted on his face, Harry licks his lips and picks up the phone.

Ten minutes later we're heading to his place, in his car, with him driving although I did object about this. I think he should have let me drive or that we should have taken an Uber, but stubborn as he is he wasn't having it. Are all men this stubbourn?

"Where do you live anyway?" I ask as I notice we aren't going north over the bridge. For some reason, I pictured him living on the north shore close to his parents, but we're heading east instead.

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