Chapter 1

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You smiled, when you opened the letter you had received in the mail. It was your acceptance letter into Beacon Academy. You had figured you'd be accepted in, as you had graduated top of your class from Signal Academy, and had done very well in the Vytal Festival that was held for the Primary Academies. However, there had been some part of you that was worried.

Another thing that made you happy was that you could tell you had gotten in because of your own achievements rather than anything to do with your last name. Your grandfather, Makarov had been a famous huntsman, who was usually mentioned in the same breath as huntsman such as Ozpin and Ironwood.

For most of your life, you were very aware of the legacy left behind by your Grandfather. When people found out who he was, they usually did their best to oblige your smallest request, which at first you found funny. However, it soon turned into annoyance, as you found the downside of having a famous relative.

People started assuming that everything you achieved was simply because of your grandfather. Your achievements weren't your own anymore, as people were quick to assume you had simply used your last name to get an unfair advantage. And then even the people who acknowledged your own success never let them stand on their own. They always would phrase their praise as, " What did you expect, he's Makarov's grandson."

Once this started happening, you did your best to live a life where no one would doubt your achievements were your own. At Signal, you started studying more and more, raising your grades to top of the class. On top of your new academic achievements, you started training more and more, which allowed you to make it to the semi-finals of the Vytal Festival, where you lost to Phyrra Nikos.

Year after year, you and Phyrra made it to the semi finals. It went back and fourth on which one you won, and which of you took second place. Fighting with her was always interesting, and it gave you a chance to go all out, and you sensed she also appreciated the challenge, although you couldn't be sure since you two went to different academies.

In a way though, you were glad that you and Phyrra went to different schools. As it was, you were compared to her very frequently, and you assumed the reverse was true. The comparison made sense, as the two of you had almost unrivaled power, especially for students in a Primary Academy. However, they were too often for your taste. You could only imagine how bad it would be if the two of you had gone to Signal.

However, you wished you had the opportunity to interact with Phyrra more. She was one of the few people who treated you as an equal. And you highly suspected that she dealt with the same problems as you, especially when it came to people putting you on a pedestal. It would've been nice to talk with someone without them having preconceived notions of you.

You went to go show your grandfather your acceptance letter, and he was overjoyed. After your father had gone astray, Makarov had worried about you sometimes. But seeing this, he knew you were firmly on the right path. He'd be a little bit lonely in the house without anyone, but he knew this was for the best.

You packed your things and spent your last few days in Signal saying your goodbyes to your underclassmen friends, and going to some of the places you'd miss. When the time came, your grandfather went with you to drop you off at the Bullhead. You gave him a hug and promised that you'd write.

As you stepped on the Bullhead, you smiled as you looked around. You couldn't wait to see what was next for you.

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