Chapter 7

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After Phyrra storms off, you sign and run your hands through your hair. You force yourself to calm down. Right now, being angry isn't going to help you at all. Phyrra and Juane are both your friends and you need to be willing to swallow your pride.

A few minutes pass, and you sit down, breathing in the fresh night air. Before you go back and talk with Phyrra, you need to figure out exactly what you're going to say. You don't wanna apologize for the sake of apologizing, but you don't wanna be so stubborn that it costs you a friendship.

You pick up your scroll, and call her. She answers on the third or fourth ring, but she doesn't say anything. " Listen I wanna talk with you some more. Earlier, I wasn't willing to see things from your point of view. I don't wanna lose you as a friend, so please..just talk to me about this," you say quietly.

" Okay. Give me one minute to leave the dorm. I'll come to you," she says. " I'll be right there, okay?"

After you acknowledge her, she hangs up. A few moments later, she makes it to you. She comes over and sits down next to you. For a few minutes, you look up at the stars together. An awkward silence fills the space.

" I'll go first," you begin. " I know how I may have come across earlier. Juane is our friend, and I want to help him. I still am not fully okay with knowing that he faked his way into Beacon, but since he's here....I'm willing to help him."

She nods. " Thank you. I also took sometime to think about it. I'm sorry for what I said. I know you're the kind of guy who will always take care of his friends. I didn't mean to make it out like you're some selfish guy who only cares about himself," she says.

" It's okay. I know you didn't mean it," you say. " Right now, I don't think Juane will be willing to accept help from me or you. But...when he is, I'll help you train him. That is...if you still want me to."

Phyrra stands up and offers you a hand. You smile and accept her help. She pulls you to your feet, and she smiles. " Of course. You're help would be amazing, and I'm sure together we could really help Juane out."

A few days pass, and you end up in the forest, collecting syrup samples. You question the point of this, but you have no real choice. You work with NPR, as Juane goes with Cardin and his group, which makes you roll your eyes. He's still being too stubborn to admit he needs help.

You don't know how, but the next thing you know, you watch as Juane kills an Ursa Grimm with the help of Phyrra.  You look over at her, and share a knowing look.

Later, Juane and Phyrra stand on the roof with you. Phyrra quickly explains to him that you know about his transcripts. Before he can panic, she assures him that won't tell anyone about it. He lets out a sigh of relief, and looks at you gratefully.

You explain to him that you're going to help Phyrra train him. He smiles, but for tonight the three of you decide to wait until later, and go inside to enjoy some pancakes.

Phyrra Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now