Chapter 3

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You and Phyrra split up and walked off, as the both of you had different things you wanted to see in Beacon Academy. As you walked, you saw the blonde kid who had vomited on the Bullhead. You smirked and walked over to him. He was still clutching his stomach, and looked uneasy. He turned when you tapped him on the shoulder. You held out your hand, and there were a handful of pills.

" They're for my motion sickness. I've had it for most of my life. Gramps figures that it's because of my Semblance. I took some of these before the Bullhead. Do you want some?"

He nods, and takes them. In his desperation, he takes them without water. After a few minutes, they kick in and he stands up straight. Wiping his mouth, he smiles. " Juane Arc," he says as he offers you his hand. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue and the ladies love it."

You take his hand. You can't help but notice that he has a really weak handshake. " (y/n) Dreyar," you say to introduce yourself.

The two of you walk and talk for a bit.  Eventually, the two of you find Ruby. She introduces herself to Juane and says something about how Yang ditched her. This makes you chuckle. You knew from experience that Yang had a very " sink or swim approach."

" Oh! What weapon do you use Juane? I already know about you (y/n.) I have this," she says in a rush. Proudly she unveils her scythe with can also turn into a sniper rifle. Your eyes widen. You remember Yang creating Ember Cilica and mentioning what Ruby was building. But nothing had prepared you for this.

Somewhat sheepishly, Juane presents his sword and shield. Dejectedly, he explains that they're family heirlooms that his grandfather used. He says they aren't much, but Ruby denies this and talks about how no one appreciates the classics anymore.

Juane shrugs. " (y/n)...what is your weapon," he asks. " I don't see one on you. Unless yours can shrink way more than my shield can. Which would kind of be unfair."

Ruby's eyes light up with happiness. You remember the first time she saw your Semblance in action. Before you can start explaining it, Ruby cuts in. " It's soooo cool. It's one of the strongest ones that I've ever seen."

You hold up your hand, and allow sparks of lightning to dance from your palm. " When I was born, I was very sickly. My Semblance by itself is Electricity, but I probably would've died. Until my father paid to have a Lacrima inside of me. The Lacrima enhanced my natural abilities and gave the Electricity a boost," you explain. " So Semblance is Lightning Dragon Slayer."

Juane's eyes widen and he talks a little bit about how cool it is. The three of you talk for a while, before Juane asks, " Do either of you know the way to the Auditorium?"

Ruby shakes her head. " I was following you," she admits sheepishly. " I'm lost. Very lost."

The two of them look at each other, and then at you. You rub the back of your head. " I sorta know the way," you say. " Let's go."

All three of you make your way to the auditorium. Ozpin gives a speech about how you all have a lot of energy, but without direction it's all meaningless. He goes on for a while, before sending all of you to the ballroom to spend the night.

You make your way to some corner in the room, and gaze out the window. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Yang and Ruby talking to some girl who's reading. You can also see Juane trying to flirt with Weiss Schnee.

Eventually though, the candles go out, and you get to sleep. The next morning you wake up, and talk with Phyrra and Juane in the locker room. Weiss joins the conversation, and tries to get on Phyrra's good side. She turns to you, and also tries to get on good terms with you. For the most part, you ignore it and go on to the cliff-side.

Ozpin explains that you will all be given teams today and how the first person you laid eyes on would be your partner for the next four years. That's very interesting, and his announcement has a lot of people panicking. You and Phyrra share a glance, and smile. The two of you are confident enough in your own abilities that it doesn't matter who you end up on a team with.

Then Ozpin goes on to explain that you have to destroy everything in your path in order to succeed. This makes you smirk. You always enjoyed fighting. While you didn't like to hurt people, any chance you had to test your abilities was welcome. And against mindless enemies like Grimm, you didn't mind letting loose a little.

Ozpin goes on to ask if there are any questions, and Juane raises his hand. He tries desperately to ask if you were handed parachutes. This amuses you somewhat. However, your amusement is cut to short when you get launched into the air.

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