Chapter 10

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You make your way down to the office, and see Ozpin and Glynda. They're both quick to assure you that you aren't in trouble and they urge you to sit down, which you do. Ozpin starts by commending your growth as a fighter and your vast potential.

" However, I must ask that you fight less in class. I'm not saying to not fight, however there is a power curve between you and the other students. Even in team fights, you are stronger than most of the people here," states Ozpin. " If you fight other students, you give them no chance to develop their own abilities."

" We aren't telling you not to fight however," Glynda interjects. " However, we can figure something out so that you fight second or third year opponents more on your level. I just need you to cut back on your fighting."

" Oh okay," you say. " I can see how that might be a problem for them. I wasn't thinking that far ahead."

" If needed, you can still fight first years, but only for drastic cases such as their egos getting out of hand, but for now just start viewing that combat class as an easy A," states Glynda.

With that, they let you go and you make your way back to the dorm. Your teammates look at you with concern, but you smile and assure them you aren't in any trouble. You go on to explain that they just wanted you to be less fight happy in class, and give a brief summary of their reasoning.

You can't help but smile as your team all reacts in their own way. Juane complains jokingly and expressed desire to be that strong, Ren commends you with just a sentence and Nora fangirls. Phyrra expresses similar sentiment, and also looks at you with concern in her eyes. The rest of the team can't notice it, but you nod your head slightly to convey that you're okay.

Juane snaps his fingers all of a sudden and says, " Oh hey. Speaking of fighting, we need to figure out which four of us will take place in the Vytal Festival. It's coming up soon, especially since the dance is this weekend."

" Keep it as the core team," you state simply. " Even though I probably have more power than any of you, that won't be much help since the people competing in the tournament won't be lightweights either. Ren and Nora are childhood friends, so they have years of chemistry and teamwork figured out, and Phyrra has been training you Juane, so she knows how you fight, and her Semblance is better for team fighting. Also, you're their leader, so naturally you should be part of the team for the Festival."

" Are you sure," asks Phyrra. " We could always figure something out, maybe making an appeal to the tournament sponsors. It wouldn't feel right if the last member of Team JNPR didn't get to fight with us."

" Yeah," says Juane. " Plus you and Phyrra would be a sure thing in the doubles round."

" It'll be fine. Power doesn't cover everything. If you had me with you guys, your team configuration would be set for power, but with Juane it would be more balanced between all the abilities you will need to be a top team."

They thank you for this, and a few days later the dance comes by

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