Chapter 2

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As you looked around, already you could hear it starting. People gasping in shock and gossiping among themselves about your presence. You rolled your eyes and found it mildly amusing. At least none of them were saying you only got in because of who your grandfather was.

You made your way over to Yang, and saw her younger sister Ruby. That was a surprise. You made small talk with Yang who had been in some of your classes, before you asked what Ruby was doing here. After all, she still had two more years at Signal. She sheepishly explained that Ozpin had let her into the school two years early. Before you had a chance to say anything, Yang proudly explained that it was because Ruby had stopped a robbery and was an excellent fighter.

That was good enough for you. You hadn't met Ozpin, but your grandfather always spoke extremely highly about the man, so you knew that his judgment was sound. And if Yang was vouching for her fighting ability, that carried a lot of weight. Yang was one of the better fighters you knew, and one of your better friends.

She had known who your grandfather was and simply didn't care. Yang judged your achievements on their own, and made no effort to explain them by saying your grandfather was Makarov. And likewise, she didn't excuse your shortcomings just because of Makarov.

You talked with them for a while longer until you saw a familiar face. You'd recognize that armor and that red hair anywhere. Phyrra Nikos. You weren't surprised to see her. With her ability alone she could make it into any combat school she wanted, and that didn't even count her academic achievements. And you also weren't surprised that she had chosen Beacon.

Quickly, you excused yourself from the conversation with Yang and Ruby and headed over to Phyrra. She smiled warmly at you, and waved. You walked next to her. " Great to see you Phyrra," you said. " How have you been since the last Vytal Festival?"

" I've been fine. What about you (y/n)?"

" Pretty good. I mean, I'm going to miss Signal a lot, but it'll be nice to expand my horizons and see everything at Beacon Academy. Gramps is going to miss me though."

She chuckles. " I'm sure he'll manage. After all, it's not like you're ever going to not be his favorite grandson.

This earns a laugh from you. " There is always that. You know, I'm really glad we're going to same academy," you admit. " I mean, it'll be nice to see a familiar face around here. Especially someone who doesn't have me on a pedestal. I always felt like you and I could've been really close friends if we went to the same school."

You're rubbing the back of your head as you say this. Saying this out loud, you can't help but being a little embarrassed. You don't know how she'll react to this. Your mind is put to rest, when she smiles warmly at you.

" That'd be wonderful," she states. " I felt the same way. From the very begging, you saw me as an equal which I appreciate. "

- Flashback-

You walk onto the stage for the finals of the Vytal Festival. Cracking your neck, you bounce on the balls of your feet anxiously. You know who you're fighting and you can't help but be a little bit worried. You've seen Phyrra fight, and this match would easily be the most difficult you'd ever be in.

She walks onto the stage, and you stop bouncing. You don't want to convey any sense that you're nervous, or even that you aren't taking this seriously. The two of you walk into the middle of the stage to shake hands.

" This'll be an interesting match," declares Professor Oobleck. " Makarov's grandson against the strongest female student in all of Remnant."

You roll your eyes. As you and Phyrra walk back to your corner of the arena, you turn your head to see her. " Hey," you call out.  She turns to look at you, a little bit curious. " Oobleck may have a point, but let's ignore it. This fight isn't between some guy's grandson and some girl with a title. Just the two of us aiming for the top."

A chuckle escapes her lips. " Sounds interesting (y/n.) Let's make this match one to remember." she says.

- Present Day-

The Bullhead lands, and the doors open. All of the students start heading off, and towards the Academy. You and Phyrra smile at each other and start headed off yourselves. When you get off, you stretch and breath in the fresh air. A big smile crosses your face. Time for this next adventure to begin.

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