Chapter 5

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The five of you go into battle, but are quickly put on the defensive by the poisonous tail. Because of it, you can't attack, and have to stay at a distance. For Juane and Phyrra, they can rely a little bit more on their shields, but for you and the rest, dodging and staying at a distance is your only option.

One time, the tail grazes past you. Luckily, it doesn't break your skin. All it does is leave a gash on your purple button up shirt. " That's it," you state angrily. " That tail has got to go."

You leap towards the Deathstalker, and it thrusts it's stinger at you. You draw back a fist and throw a punch at it. Lightning surrounds your fist and your limbs collide. " Lightning Dragon Demolition Fist!"

Your punch tears through the stinger, and severs it. With your momentum, you're about fall off the cliff. Before that happens, Phyrra throws her shield underneath you and uses her Polarity to bring the shield with you on it back to her. As you hop off, you glance over and thank her.

Missing the stinger, the Deathstalker goes into a rage. It charges towards all of you. Ren and Nora jump out of the way, and launch their weapons at it, and Juane just flat out runs. You look at Phyrra. " Shield," you state simply. She looks at you, incredibly confused.

You jump up, and angle yourself so your feet land on her shield. The Grimm keeps coming. Phyrra realizes what you want, and launches you from her shield, so you're above the Grimm. She avoids its charge and helps Ren and Nora launch ranged attacks.

As you fall over the Grimm, you place your hands together and quickly separate them. In between them is a lance, shining and glimmering with electrical charge. You smash it into the Deathstalker, and the lance goes clean through it. " Lighting Dragon Heavenly Halebard!"

The lance explodes inside of the Deathstalker, and it falls to the ground lifeless. The five of you regroup and start giving out congratulations. Most of the praise is directed towards you and Phyrra, but you two try to redirect, and say it was a team effort.

Eventually, you stand in the auditorium, and you get a little nervous. After all, you technically failed in the objective to find a partner or retrieve a relic. Phyrra places a hand on your shoulder. " (y/n)'ll be fine. Ozpin doesn't strike me as someone who will kick you out just because of this.  And if he does, then he's making a huge mistake."

Nora nods. " If he doesn't let you in, we can always break his legs," she says happily.

As the teams are called, you watch happily as Team RWBY is formed, with Ruby as the leader. And then as Team JNPR is formed, with Juane as the leader, which shocks you. You don't doubt Ozpin, but it seems like he's making a mistake.

When all the students have been called except for you, Ozpin calls you on stage anyways. He shakes your hand, and places something inside of it: the Black King Piece. Lowering his sunglasses, his eyes convey a ' go with it' look.

" And finally," he says. " We have (y/n) Dreyar. He retrieved the Black King piece. This year, we had an odd number of students, so he doesn't have a partner or a team. However...some of you had the chance to watch him fight. I think we'll all agree that his strength speaks for itself. So...he will be given the opportunity to work as a one-man team."

After the ceremony, you are called in to talk with Ozpin. Also with him is Ms. Goodwitch.  You exchange pleasantries before Ozpin starts explaining somethings.

" I want you to know that I'm not letting you stay only because of your relationship with Makarov. I know that's something you would be concerned about. He is a fine man, but I'm of the opinion that your achievements should stand separate of his."

You nod, and are about to thank him, when he continues talking. " I'm allowing you to stay so you have a chance to improve yourself. You have the potential to surpass your grandfather, and the drive to do so. However, as you are now, you aren't using that potential to its maximum."

Glynda starts adding on. " We aren't trying to imply you're slacking off. However, your fighting style for example relies primarily on power. Your power will take you further than most. But your reliance on your power explains your loss to Phyrra."

Ozpin nods. " So to me, it would be unforgivable to kick you out and let that potential go to waste. So, you will be allowed to function as a one man team. However, no man is an island so you will still need help. Pick a team you would like to work with. You'll stay with them and train with them for the purpose of numbers."

A few minutes later, you make it to the dorms. You place your bags down and knock. Juane opens the door and looks at you. " Oh hey (y/n). It's getting kind of late. Can I help you with something?"

You chuckle. " I'd hope so. After all, I'm going to be living with you guys. As a one man team...and an honorable member of Team JNPR."

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