Chapter 6

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When you make that announcement, the four of them all react happily. They let you into the room, and help you get unpacked. You didn't pack much, other than a few pictures from your time at Signal and clothes. Unfortunately, you didn't pack a sleeping bag, or anything to that effect since the room only has four beds.

" We can ask Ozpin for another bed tomorrow," you say. " I'll just sleep on the floor for tonight. It isn't a big deal."

The next morning you wake up, and regret your words. Aches and pain go through your entire body as a result of how you slept. Phyrra notices this and helps you up. You gladly accept her hand, and rise.

" Hey guys," you say. " What's the changing arrangement here? We can't all change in front of each other after all."

You all turn to look at Juane. " Well, um right," he says. " I guess..guys can change in the bathroom and Nora and Phyrra can change out here in the room. It doesn't have to be that way everyday, but it works for now."

In the classes you have, days pass and you can't help but notice that Juane...isn't exactly on the same level as everyone else. It'd be one thing if he couldn't measure up to someone like you, Phyrra or Yang. It's the fact that he can't measure up to anyone in Beacon. In fact, there are people in Signal you know who could take him out.

Phyrra clearly has the same concerns, and after Juane loses another fight to Cardin, she goes to talk to him after class. You'd go with her, but you don't think your presence will add much. Phyrra has always had a lot of emotional intelligence so her talking with him will be more helpful.

A few minutes later, she comes back inside, with a disappointed look on her face. You notice this and say, " Wanna talk about it? I was going for a walk anyways."

She accepts and starts walking with you. Once you two get a fair distance from the school, the two of you start talking about Juane.

" So uh, what's the deal with that," you ask, diplomatically as you can. " He doesn't seem like he's anywhere near the level he should be at. Is it just that he's nervous?"

She sighs. " Can you keep a secret," she asks. You nod, and gesture for you to continue. " He faked his transcripts. Juane has no formal combat training, and lied to get into Beacon. I offered to train him, but he blew me off."

You can't help but get aggravated. If there was one thing you couldn't stand, it was people who cheated to get a leg up. Juane may be a perfectly nice guy, but hearing that really irritated you. Especially that he refused help. In your opinion, he should've been grateful that Phyrra wasn't going to report him to Ozpin.

And for another thing, it bothered you that he had gotten in by lying. Everyone else had made it in because of their own talent and ability. You and Phyrra got in for being world class fighters, which was a result of your hard work. Ruby had made it in because of her ability, and stopping a Dust Robbery. And everyone else had made it in by doing four years of training in a combat school. They had paid their dues.

Phyrra senses something is wrong and stops walking. " Why do you look so agitated? Juane is a great guy, who needs help. Maybe he'd be more comfortable if it came from you, or someone other than me. But he can't keep getting beat up by Cardin like that."

" That wouldn't happen if he had gotten training like the rest of us," you say, doing your best to keep calm. " We all have to pay our dues. Everyone else has worked hard to be here. Except him."

" Why are you unwilling to help him?! He's been nothing but nice to you. And to me! He may not be the best fighter, but don't you think he deserves the chance to improve," she yells. You let out a sigh.

You rub your head. Right now shouting won't be helpful. " I don't deny that he is a nice guy and all of that," you state evenly. " However, I think that it's his own fault that he's in this situation. Had he had training, he wouldn't need us."

" Typical," she huffs. She turns to walk back to Beacon. Before she can say anything, she turns back to look at you. " You're all set right?! So why bother helping anybody else out?"

She storms off. You sigh. Great. So now, she thinks you're a jerk. After you cool down, you tell yourself that you'll talk to her later.

Phyrra Nikos x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now