Chapter 4

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You soar through the air, and slowly start losing momentum. As you began to fall, you wondered about how you'd land. You were somewhat of a showboat, and loved to do flashy, over the top things. It was just part of who you were.

Lightning surrounded you, and it accelerated your fall. Crashing down, you created a giant crater where you landed. Dust flew into the air, and the lightning faded from you. Luckily for you, no one was in the blast radius except for a few Ursa and Beowulf Grimm. Standing up, you started heading down towards where the Relics were being held.

On the way, you easily dispersed dozens of Grimm. You laughed as the fights went on, and your body count racked up. There was something relaxing about this. The Grimm didn't care who you were, they just wanted to kill you. And on your part, they had no names. They were just the next enemies in your way.

- Ozpin's Pov -

With growing interest, I watch the fights on one of my projectors. Of special interest to me are Ruby Rose, Phyrra Nikos and (y/n) Dreyar. I notice that Ruby has been partnered with Weiss, which will prove to be an interesting group. The two of them have much to learn from each other, and should they do it, the two of them will be very formidable.

Glynda stands and offers her input as the partner groups are formed. " I don't care what his transcripts say," she says, referring to Juane. " He's not ready for this level of combat yet."

I don't say anything. It's already become clear to me that he faked his transcripts seeing the difference between what they say and his actual capabilities. However, that young man has a good deal of potential that I would hate to see squandered.

" And (y/n). He doesn't seem to be taking this seriously at all. When fighting the Grimm, letting your guard down can prove to be fatal, and yet he seems to be treating it like a game," she adds.

It's a fair point, and I can agree that he needs to take this much more seriously to succeed as a huntsman. However, his attitude doesn't seem to be hindering him as he demolishes any Grimm that comes his way. He seems to have taken my remark about destroying everything in his way far too seriously.

" Agreed Glynda. However, that is what they're all the Academy for. There is no doubt in my mind that with time he will mature and become an excellent Huntsman. Remember what his grandfather was like at that age, and how he turned out."

She sighs. " You're right. Although there is another probably with him. I've done some counting and he is the odd one out. Everyone else about have been matched up with their partner. He alone is out."

I smirk. " Yes, well I'll figure something out," I state evenly. " I certainly won't be sending him home just because of a numbers error."

- Your Pov-

As you make it to the Temple, you curse yourself. You notice that all the relics are gone. On top of that, you haven't met up with a partner yet. You got way too caught up fighting to even wonder about any of that. Stupid.

You notice Phyrra and Juane with some guy with a pink streak in his hair, and a girl with short orange hair. With them are Ruby, Weiss, Yang and the girl from last night who was reading. After some quick introductions, you get all their names and give yours.

Soon though, the Nevermore and Deathstalker Grimm return. Even as Juane starts to freak out, and Yang makes a comment about dying together, you can't help but get excited. Lightning dances from you, and you crack your knuckles.

As the fight with the two Grimm starts, the two groups get separated quickly. Ruby and her team end up fighting the Nevermore Grimm, and you end up with Phyrra and Juane fighting the Nevermore Grimm.

" Hey Phyrra," you begin as the Deathstalker gets closer to you. She takes one second to glance at you before she glances back at the Grimm. " This is the first time we've ever teamed up against a common enemy."

She doesn't say anything as her focus is solely on the Deathstalker, but you know she registered your point. Before the five of you begin combat, she says, " Then let's be sure to make it a decisive victory."

Phyrra Nikos x Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora