Chapter 8

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A few days later, you find yourself alone with Nora in the JNPR dorm. Juane and Phyrra had gone to train on the roof, and decided to work on his weapon training, which you couldn't help with and Ren had gone to get more cooking ingredients.

" Sooo," she said to break the silence. You sigh, and put down your book. " Do you like Phyrra? And I mean like-like her, ya know? As more than a friend."

" Keep a secret," you ask. You know that even if you say no, Nora is going to keep pestering you about it over and over again, so you decide to just be honest. She promises not to tell anyone, but you highly suspect that Ren will know about it the second he comes home.

Eagerly, she gestures for you to continue. " The truth is, I thought she was really pretty when I had to fight her in the Vytal Festival. And I had wished we went to the same school so I'd have someone to talk with as an equal, because she never put me on a pedestal, or treated me differently. To her, I wasn't  'Makarov's Grandson.' To her, I was (y/n.)"

" And then, we both applied to Beacon and I became a member of this team. I had figured she and I would be really good friends, and I was right. She's super easy to talk with, and we have a lot in common. And she's really kind, and funny, and really pretty. So yeah Nora...I do like her as more than a friend."

Nora practically explodes with happiness. " That's so cute, you should totally tell her about how you feel, I mean wouldn't that be awesome?"

She goes on like this, until the door opens and Ren comes home. He looks over at you curiously, before sighing. Seeing the look on Nora's face, he knows something is wrong. " Ren!! (y/n) has a crush on Phyrra!"

You mutter to yourself about how you called it. Nora tries to convince Ren that this is worth the spectacle she's making it out to be. Eventually, he relents. " It would be a cute couple," he says. " But, we can't be sure Phyrra feels the same way."

" Oh," says Nora. " I asked her a few days ago, and she has a crush on Juane. She said something about how he never put her on a pedestal or anything."

" If you know this, why are you making such a big deal about this," you ask, somewhat angrily and somewhat sadly.

" Duh," she states. " Love Triangle!"

You roll your eyes. A few days pass, and surprisingly she hasn't brought it up, which you appreciate. However, since she mentioned that Phyrra has a crush on Jaune, you've picked up more and more signs that make it obvious to you.

Juane comes in and asks to talk with you and Ren, and for some reason demands that Nora keeps her headphones in, which she obliges. He stumbles over his words, but then summarizes up by asking you how you got all your fangirls and how Nora and Ren got together.

Ren and Nora explain that they aren't actually together, although Nora glares at Ren a little bit, which he doesn't notice. You explain to Juane that your fangirls weren't something you wanted, but after you started participating in the Vytal Tournaments, they started gravitating towards you.

Phyrra comes in, and encourages him to just talk to Weiss, with no tricks. He goes to do just that, while Phyrra sits down sadly. Nora tells her, " Practice what you preach," obviously referring to her crush on Juane.

She sighs and dismisses it outright. But you can tell, she's upset.

Days pass, and it's two days until the dance. You and Phyrra find yourself alone after training together, and you decide to seize the initiative.

" Phyrra...I know I'm not Juane. But, would you like to go to this dance with me? I really like you, and I think we could really be something, and it'd be nice."

A silence passes over the two of you. She eventually shakes her head. " I'm so sorry (y/n). But I don't want to go with you. I don't want to give you false hope. It's really just Juane. I'm sorry."

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