Do You See Me

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I LOVE school. Mostly, I love learning. just when you think you know something, more is added to your storehouse. This is why summer vacation, uugh, should never exist!!!

"What's your plans for the summer chica?"

"Completing Mrs. Ashe summer reading list of course, I'll be reading champ again next year..." I say pumping my non existent muscles. "champion, champion, the crowd goes wild..."

"Yea... sounds fun ... bluuuh😝...ME... first we stop in Havana so we can get home cooking from mi abuela,... then ... bienvenido a Miami ... chica!" "Bailar conmigo chica..."

"Gurlll... no.... this is NYC... not Havana!" "gotta go... buh by now... chica.. adios..." I laugh running away.

I do love my friends... they can be crazy sometimes. But... that's why we are friends. 😁


This is the last day of 10th grade... next year I'll be a Junior. I want to be different.... outgoing like Lycia... but...still me...🤔🤔🤔

I'm super excited to have a summer job as a camp counselor. Yeah, it's work... but field trips and parties, and competitions are theeeee best. I guess I'll go buy comfortable sneakers for all the walking I know we will be doing.

Nike... nope... Puma....nah... I'll go to Reebok outlet.

"Hello, welcome .... if you need anything let me know."

Ooh, wow, that's rare. Since when do they greet you in New York City? The owner must be from the South. Far Far South...😁😁😁 yeah... thats what I think.... Anyway, good manners is ev-er-y-thing to me. Cudos boobooo!!!


What I hate most... is having to decide something.

Too many choices makes shopping hard...and annnooooyyyiiinnng...😫😫😫

Oh yeah I forgot.... "I HATE SHOPPING!!! 😤"

"May I be of any assistance?"

"Aaaahhh!! 🤪Why are you so close to my ear??? You scared me half to death..... And can you make a sound when you enter a room..... I could've died just now....yes...just now...and why are you laughing?"

"I'm truly sorry, I actually asked 3 times, you didn't respond so I thought to come closer, as you did not hear me nor respond to me."

"Is it possible... what's your tag say 👀 Tavist, is it possible Tavist, that my answer is no... and I didn't feeeel the need to respond... as that is my answer. Is it?... huh... is that a possibility, Tavist?"

"Sooo... you don't need help?... because you said I can't decide... and that's why I came over..."

"😳Did I say that out loud... heehee... uh.. yea.. sooo... my bad... juusstt kiddin whicha... loosen up buddy... so yeah ...uhm... can't decide ... yes, I may have a wee bit of a problem deciding🤦‍♀️."

"Well, you can buy 2 and get 3rd pair free.... so if you want 2 colorful pairs... you can also get a plain pair at no extra charge😀... maybe that helps to decide."

"Hmmm... maybe... yes... thanks for the help...buh bye now👀"

"You're quite welcome. I apologize for the scare. Have a good day, and please, sign up for our rewards special for future purchases at the register. "

hmmhmm... so prim and proper😜... I'll get 2 plain and one colorful... not just to go opposite of his suggestion... ahmmm... well... probably to go opposite of his suggestion.... heeeheeeheee. 3 shoes... all I need... no need for reward blah blah blah... or... maybe... fine😛 I'll take the reward.

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