"Junior Who"

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Yes, yes, yessss🎶🎶🎶... summer's over... school's in session... 🤜🤛

Can you hear the sound of learningggg😊😊😊

"Donde esta mi Amiga mejor... mi vida... no corazonaaaa... 🎶🎶🎶💜💜💜"

"Lycia, you are muy tanned chica linda.... ju look beautiful baayyybeee"

"Y tu... ju look maaarvalissss"

We explode in laughter

"No really chica .... we both look good..."😛


"Did you finish the summer reading list...?"

"And you know this maaan...I loved every minute too... quiet reading in central park 2 hrs before sunset... then watching the sunset🌅😍... theee best ever."

"ahemmm... If I may interrupt (clears throat) I'll have you know... your girl... who stands before you at this very moment... me Lycia Maria Alvarez Conchita Gonzalez... this very day... is here 2 sayyyy.... I read.....(pause)👂..... 1 book on the summer reading list.... whooooohoooo... alright.. it's my birthday.... she did that... it's my birthday... booom!"💥

"That's my gurl...heeeyyyy🎶.... I'm super proud of you chica linda.....❤️❤️❤️  Not to change the subject, let me see your class list... maybe we have classes together"

"Ok chica ... ju look... I'll cross my fingers.."


"Lycia... give up... no need to cross your fingers..."😒

"Whaat not even one class together? aww man"😕

"Nope... not 1, 2, or 3 buuut 4....4 classessss...woohoo!!"

We erupt in screams .... as if we are in the hall way alone... we jump... we dance... we shout ... and stomp....and clap...anddd

Stomp... on the toe of a student walking in behind me....yesss.. I did that😬.... crisp... white... Reebok classics...

"Ooooo.... sooo...sorry... I have Lysol wipes in my bag ... I will wipe that off for you... right now.....yes... I'll do that.. just let me grab them... there... nice and white..."

"That's very kind of you."

I recognize that voice.


"That's me... nice to run into you again... I guess you owed me that for giving you a fright... now we're even, right...?"

would you look at that smile🤩... as white as his sneakers...

"Uhh, yeah... but I wasn't technically trying to get even... buttt... yea I'll take that... umm...are you a student here?"

"Yes, while this is my first year here, I am a Senior this year... technically... I'll have to make up a couple classes for Juniors... one being English... the other not technically a Junior class but... gym..."

"Ooh, so you will have Junior and Senior English courses... bummer... how many classes will you have a day?

"4, 2 English, gym, and work study... so technically 3 actual classes..."


"Are you twins... you speaking at the same time.."

"Oh no Papi, it's just that you are just getting here and you only have 3 classes... that's amazing... Lycia is my name... (extends hand to shake, as only Lycia does) and ju?"

"Lycia.... !!!🙄 why are you talking like that... have you lost your mind???"

"Chica, que paso... tu sabe... es un muy muy guapo chulo aqui... por favor🤐...silencio.!"🤫

"Gracias por su comentario😉"


"Again you speaking at the same time... are you sisters?"

"No no... best friends... how is it that you speak Spanish?"

"My family recently move to New York from Spain. I've been working very hard to learn English and so of course I'll know a bit of Spanish... I actually speak Portuguese... but I can understand Spanish phrases at times."

"Cool... if you don't know anyone .... orrr you don't want to eat lunch alone... you can join us... but we greet each other with a little chacha dance... let's show him..."

" Ok Mami... how ju doin.... chachacha..."

"You want to try.."

" I'm not dancing like a girl though... ok... "

"No, Papi... no problem... ju are allll man....you move how ju like..."

"ok.. ola senhoras... chacha..."

"That was real good... now we have to teach you another phrase... ju look..."

"ju look?"

"Yes... you say ... ju look beautiful bayybeee, ju look marvalissss.... a compliment... you have to say it like that... ju look... and what ever great word to go with it..."

"Ok ... I will think about this... I have to find my locker, locate my classes, and the gym... so I will say good by now."



"Boy is he proper..."

"Chica... let's go... first period "GGYYMMM"" yaay"🎶

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