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I want to graduate as early as possible. So I've been talking with the guidance counselor about ways to do that. Turns out...not to difficult.

Essays...yup... I need to make A1 essays

So I've collected all these books from the library to help me with my essay writings.

They are heavyyyy!!!

I wish I had a car at this very moment...

My arms back aches... how will I even flag a cab?... I'll have to drop these books... uuggghh

"Chica friend... heyyy... *panting* heyyyy... I was calling you since you walked out of the library... let me help you..."

"Heyyy.... no no... I got this... I'm building muscle you know😋... I was just gonna set them down to flag a cab... must've been engrossed in my own thoughts🙄..."

"Chica friend... I can help you... let's do it together..."

I am stunned🤯... I drop the books in Tavist hands... and I am stunned

" I'm Lyric😮"

I mummble... kinda speak... I'm stunned🤯... he's smiling ear to ear... I am stunned🤯... I cannot move... is he talking... what is he saying🧐?

"Muy Bella"

snap out of it gurlll!!

"Tavist.. I heard nothing you said."

My voice is so soft even I don't recognize it😮

"I'm sorry... I get lost in my thoughts..... *clears throat* a lot.."

"This is true... this I know."

He agrees with a sheepish smile.🤩 Great smile.😍

"I'm saying... I can help you... it's less heavy if we do it together... but you have dropped all in my hands... I'm afraid I'll have to get assistance from you also..."


"You take half... I'll take half... I have my car there... see? Just over there... that way I can help with books in to your home."

I'm stunned...

But now I move

We drive

"I've never know a person with this name... very ... uhm... unique...yes unique... and that fits you... because I've never met person like know, unique."

"Amazing... that while in middle of conversation.... you are consumed by own thought...."

I'm all ears now... but I can't look at his face.

I need hot chocolate .... I need to think.

"That's me on the right."

"Ok, I'll help you out."

"No no no"

I protest


Oooh, he said my name😳😳😳, and I am stunned.

"Lets do it together."

I'm dead!

I've never been so happy but dead

I do like the sound of my name...when he says it any way♥️

Nothing ever goes well for me... I can't even imagine...I can't fathom... A dream... I've experienced only thru sound... Can manifest itself...


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