Library or Not

13 4 0

"Yosh, maybe you should give up, it's just not working out."

uugghh some people don't understand love at first sound...😡

"T, I told you... this is cosmic🌠... I heard his voice... and knew... it's unexplainable... don't crush my dreams girl💏... just wait..."

"Yosh, a dream is Just that.... a dream.... 😴

"I'm not trying to crush anything... just be realistic ... you can't keep chasing a dream... a figment of your imagination...🌬

"I mean... no one dreams a thing... and it's manifested in real life..."

"Well I did T!... it was real... it is real...because the voice from my dream stands before me today.... my locker neighbor.... tooodddaaayyy!!! I never imagined.... and it's's real... I'm brought back to that dream every time I hear his voice." 😵


"It's the same everytime...."

I'm hysterical... trapped in an elevator...the only sound I hear is a voice in the distance... calming... relaxing.... supporting me.... when the doors open.... I am beyond relieved... I pass out... only to wake to the smell of potato soup.... through groggy eyes I see a silhouette.... my eyes shut again... when I wake again... it's dark... the silhouette is closer.... but I can't see the face... then a sound... muffled at first... then clearly asking.... are you ok, are you hungry.... then... I wake up...


"Can two people sound exactly alike T, how is it that I hear this voice in the voice of my locker neighbor?... impossible!"😍

"Ok Yosh.... I'll drop it...but I do think you are team too much... you're my girl though.... you know I will support you... I'm not gonna abandon you..."

"T ..... T.... speak of the devil.... it's him... let's go over there...."

"Gurl!... I just .... sentimentally... said I won't abandon you.... and you are ready to ditch me..." smh

"Gurl, I said let's... he's heading to the library... run faster gurl!!"


"What are you gonna do here Yosh?"

"Uhm... be casual... browse books... then run into my guyyyy.... of course"😁💕


3 hrs later...

"Yosh..... when you gonna run into your
gguuyyy.... it's almost closing time?"

"He needs to get away from that Junior... I'm thinking... go look around the bookshelf... see if they are still talking."

"Uh... Yosh... uhm... he just kissed her."


As I run to look around the bookshelf.... sadly... its true.

Then silent silence

"The library will be closing..."

Only this announcement breaks my stunned silence

Exiting I knock over something... I don't bother to look to see what it is

I race down the library steps... slightly distraught... slightly ... I don't know...


Papers are now flying everywhere

"I am sooo sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..."

"Its quite alright. I was also engrossed in my writings that I had not seen you either😁"

Nice smile

"I'm Zi Tao... you can call me Tao, what may I call you?

"Yoshikawa is my name."

"May I call you Bu Kan?"

"Why, when that isn't my name?"

"Its Chinese, it means... without looking, it will remind me of how we met."

"That's pretty kool, I'll find a name for you too."😁

"Lets see what you come up with, I volunteer at the annex next to the library stop in any time."

"Will do. Take care, and sorry again about your papers, hope they are all there."

Exit stage left

"Yosh...who is that handsome specimen you were speaking to ... did you ask him out... did you get his number?"

"T!🙄 ... I'm really gonna need you to not act like I am always asking every guy I meet out. If my dream had not been manifested in the sound of the voice of Tavist, I would never had stepped to him... thank you very much.!👀

"Oooh... ok... was just kiddin... you still upset about the kiss?"

"You know what!!! I'm gone... talk later, T..."✌

Frustrating, frustrated, uuuggh!!! ☹️

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