
17 4 2

"Wow, Tavist. I must say... your writing is superb.👌
I can truly say this is a lovely story you have written. I Looovvveee.... love stories.... and of course happy endings..." 😍

"Lyric... I am from ITALY.... LOVE is our first language!"❤

I know that's right... He's got a great laugh😁

"*ahem* por supuesto .... magnific.... se-si-bon.... ciao..."

We erupt in laughter ... I have no idea what I'm saying... it sounds Italian to me...

"I heard those words in a commercial before...I hope it's not offensive."😌

"Lyric... we will work on your Italiano... ok bella..."

"*chuckling* abso-lut-a-ly.... my Italiano...amore"

My face and hands try so hard to be Italian... yes yes work... I truly need

"Amore... Well...okay....I'll be that."

"Wait...what did I just say?"

"O...nothing...what were you going to ask?"

"What does bella mean, Tavist?"



I'm speechless.... and....

There goes my nerves...

"Oooh... ok... kool"🤪

I'm sooo cool right now... touch me... I'm ice... frio... it's all good... L ... don't over think ... nothin!

"Lyric... need I remind you of being present amore?"

He says with that beautiful smile

"Ooh... yes, yes... where were we..."

"What...what's Amore?

"Uh... Like a sincere way to say my love."

Uuuhum.... *clears throat*... "Where we're we?"

"I'm asking if a peck on the cheek to end the story would be too forward?"

I never heard this ... at... alll🙀🙀🙀

"Oooh... nah... it's art, right?... heyy... your first language is LOVE... how could we deny your expressing yourself to your fullest capacity...."

Why is he invading my personal space right now... Uh...there is no where for me to step... Uhm


Am I asleep?

If I open my eyes... Will I be blinded by the sun


eyes open

Tavist' eyes are meeting mines

I'm gonna die

I fall back startled out of my mind....on yo the desk behind me

"Uh... what... doing?"

"Lyric, I truly apologize... as I listened to your words... it's as if you were in my thoughts... I've never had my own thoughts... spoken to me... by another who has never known my thoughts..."

bows head😧

"Lyric... it's hard to explain... I'm s..."

"Tavist... don't!"

"Don't... don't apologize... your words being expressed.... just know ... are MY feelings ... my thoughts... being spoken by another who never knew my thoughts..."

I'm dead... stunned... dead😳


" The Library will be closing in 30 minutes... thank you."

That jarred the silence

"Lyric... can I carry you home?


That is the least word I've spoken in years... I'm still kinda stunned... I don't know how to feel exactly... should we talk about the kiss... pretend it didn't happen.. ignore that it happened...


" Lyric, may I carry your books?"

"Huh... oh... uhm... nooo... that's not necessary... "

" Well, if I don't... then your hands are full... I'd really like to hold your hand... so please ... allow me to carry your books."

"Are all guys like this in Italy?"

"Bella, I only know how I am... for you."😍😍😍


And now I trip ..... on nothing no less... how embarrassing!

"Bella, the books... see... if you give me your hand ... I can help you ... should you trip again."

So embarrassing😳

" You win... but only because I'm clumsy... nothing more."

His hand is sooo soft... I bet he does no hard labor at all

"Bella... you have very soft hands."


"Thanks... I was gonna say the same of you."

"Let's put books and bags in the back seat... that way you will be comfortable."

We sit

Oh no... is he coming in for another kiss... I'm still reeling from the first one.

Now I'm tense... nooo wait... give me a...

" Your seat belt is tricky... I'll just pull it around for you bella."

Ohhh... shook for nothing L ...

"Thanks Tavist."

"Are you ok Bella, you seem not yourself... I gave you a fright... did I not?"

"Uhm... you certainly caught me by surprise... it's funny how our words and thoughts often match unawares..." *smooch*

"Bella, you are so much more relaxed when you ramble... I have to take the opportunity... if I ask for a kiss... you probably will say no... wait.. give me a minute..."

"You sound nothing like me by the way ... I don't speak  like that Mr."

"But I do, bella... that's why you smile... I know... I know..."

Starts car



"For one... you can't just kiss me and then keep your life going like we been doin this for years... I understand your passion... you're a passionate person... but what does this mean for you?"

"Bella, ... I think you know this answer."

"I don't want to guess... or misunderstand... while our thoughts have been in sync .... some how... what if I'm wrong... I will not presume... so... guapo😁😁... tell me out right😁😁... and I'll tell you if I agree."

"Bella... my skit... IS our story... I didn't understand why you came to mind as I wrote it... but... as you expressed my exact thoughts to me... I knew it... my story is our story... but for the class... I'll end with a kiss on the cheek... but my heart races as you spoke... and I know you knew me.. and yes.... I acted impulsively... but truly. I was wrong though... to steel 2 kisses... no I have never done that before with anyone... I am shocked myself... I am drawn to you... not because you were a mystery for so long....which you were.... from our first meeting in the store... the entire summer.... I thought of you often... and it was a pleasant surprise to run into you in the hall way... and in my class... and..." *smooch*

It IS much better on surprise!


"Well ... 1 down 1 to go... I'll except you Guapo... I believe what you are telling me is true. I think that 1 day at a time will be fine."

I will surely pinch myself when I get home.

A LOVE NOT MINEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt