You Will Not

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I like to think of all the positive things I will accomplish.... because I recognize what I will or won't do....

Dear Journal,

I won't feel sorry for myself....
I won't take no for an answer....
I won't feel dejected....
I'll accept rejection...
I won't jump to conclusions...
I won't be afraid to try...
I'll give my best according to me and not in comparison to others...
I will love me ... today... tomorrow.... each day as it comes...
Disappointment will be a stepping stone for me...
As I step on it... it will sink into oblivion under ground... so far away ... never to be retrieved....
One day at a time...
I will look at each day in a positive way...
I will be caring, considerate, and kind....

I'll remember.... ""don't judge anyone unless you have walked 2 moons in their moccasins...""

The past is Just that....
Each day is a gift... 🎁
Tomorrow doesn't exist...
So stop putting off for tomorrow, what can be done today...
Procrastination is your enemy.... So... Carpe Diem.... as if it was your last....
Say what you would have said...
Do what you would have done...

No regrets...


I love the weekends... it's often just me. Time to put up my feet... binge on shows I need to catch up on... or just laze around... day dreaming.

I love to day dream... or night dream for that matter.

I love to just remember the feeling of Love, it puts a smile on my face.

A kind word, a hug, a smile, a wink.

love expressions...💖💖💖💗

I'll drift off ... see his face... hear his voice... and know that I'm loved...

Omg L... am I in Love❣...

wait... nooooo... let me think

No, don't think

uugghh.... Lycia... yes I must call Lycia....


What if it is, who would know? How would I know?

What if L says yup it's love, what if she says no it's not?

I'm sooo not prepared for this....

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