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"Why so glum chum?"

"I don't know this phrase... glim chim."

Awww... the innocence of Tavist🥰🥰🥰

"It just means your looking a wee bit sad... you alright?"

"Yes, yes... I am reading over my writing... I may look more serious when reading... nothing more... where is your chica, friend?"

"She'll be happy to know you asked😁😁... she standing right behind you... drawing the back of your head..."

He jumps and turns to find Lycia doing exactly that

" Why are you doing that?"

"You have interesting hair... curly and wavey... it's like ... such a work of art... when I'm inspired I have to stop and immediately handle it, or it will just eat me up that I hadn't... carpe diem💃💃... ju know😁"

"Wow, uh...chica... what's your name again..."

"Lycia is my name... you can remember me... because... I'll never Ly (lie) to ju Papi.😘😘😘 ok mi chiquito chulo 😘"

"Ooo...ok... Lycia👌👍👀"

He turns to me

" And your name..."


The bell sounds

"Everyone take your seat... pull out last night's homework... as always put it on the top right corner of your desk... if you do not have it there as I pass by, you will receive a zero for homework and you cannot make it up later."

" Now, for other business let's take a vote... raise your hand if you would like to have the student assignments read out loud..."

"Not many.... smh....are you ashamed of your work!?... Listen people.... any of you can be an artist of a type .... now... or in the future... take ownership people!!... no shame!!... go on and read for the next 30 minutes *sighs* and please actively read... be engrossed... love it... live it...focus!!"

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