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"T... I want to be done... I want to not think...not dream... not wish... not see...😕

But... it seems so clear... then... it's not so clear....does that make sense?"

"Gurl no! But when do you ever make sense? I mean, for real. You're probably the laaast person I'd expect to make sense of anything.... like... ever..."

"T! shut it...😂🤣 .... alll the way close... fa real fa real!😜... you think you're soooo funny.... let us not bring up YOUR I'm in looove spell that lasted all of...

What???.... ☝️... ✌

""A DAY!!!"" (we say at the same time, exploding in laughter)

"Ayyee, that was really true love❤, I just have a short attention span."

"5 times though?"




"The heart knows what the heart knows Yosh☺"

"My point exactly! You do understand me😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗"

"Gurl git offa me... look, look!!! your guy has entered the school library. He's handsome and alone. Yaay! what we gonna...????

"Where did she go?"


"Yosh, why are you hiding?

"T, check me out.... do I look good? Check my teeth... any lunch in there? check my outfit... cause today I will say something...today is D-day!"

"Check, check, check. You look good, you look confident, you.... are ready. Go git 'em gurl 😁😁😁"

I'm doing this...I'm walking...I'm walking...I'm turning the corner... omggg... why is sheee here? uugh... I can't get this guy alone for nothing... she aaalways shows up.... I can't stand her!!!😡😡😡

"Yosh! that was quick?!"

"Ugh... just as I was about to make my passing by... so sorry to run in to you, entrance...that dumb Junior shows up... I was surely not gonna walk up to him then!"

"Where they talking?"

"No...👀 She only just walked in, she's sitting at the table."

"Sooo, he hasn't even seen her. Why didn't you quickly handle your business?"

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO HIM WHILE SHEEE'S AROUND!...its too distracting. I'd want undivided attention. She'd probably come over and be all up in my biz-niz and.... uuggh!!!"

"Let's sit over there...when she leaves... I'll go over."

"But, what if heee leaves Yosh?"

"Gurl!!!... don't ask dumb questions...obviously I'd follow him out and catch up to him." *duugghh*🙄🙄🙄

"But if they leave together???"

"Omggg stop being a negative Nelly!! I can't watch them from behind this bookshelf...so... we'll casually walk to the tables over there.... we can see them yet not be so obvious. I'll sit with my back to them... but you, .... sit opposite me and keep your eye on them. Let me know if he leaves, or she does...or whatever...ok?"

"Got it!"

"He's walking over to her, he whispers to her.... O! he surprised her... I don't think this is a planned encounter... ok... their talking... giggling...."

(whispers) "T! I don't need a play by play commentary... just le...."


"Is he gonna ki...?"

"whaaa!!" (as I glare at the two of them... I feel like getting up and snatching that child outta that seat... because I BELONG THERE!... I can't stop glaring.... I can't get a hold of my emotions...and even as he glances quickly at me...and then proceeds to continue his conversation.... I feel.... uuuuggghhh!!!!!😭😭😭"

No kiss even happens...I was stressed for nothing... I blew my cover...*SMH*🤦‍♀️

"Yosh... go, go, go... he's heading out... aloone!!!"

Uugghh, I don't really care anymore

"T ... I'm going to my locker...then heading to the annex."



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