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"You say whaaaat!!!"

"Lycia... chill chica, don't draw so much attencion."

"Chica, ju got some major splaining to do!!!.... I .... your bestest friend.... I .... me.... yo....had to learn of your relationship through the school play??? The school play... Are ju kiddin me right now???"

"Not for nothing chica, I been knowing you since kindergarten... you cannot keep annnyyytthhhiinnggg.... on the down low...okaaayy?"

"No... No.... not okayyy!!! I'm hurt beyond repair... I... I... I just don't know."

Folds arms ... turns back🏆🏆🏆

This might be serious

"Seriously, chica... turn...."

Burst of laughter


"L ... for real.... just kiddin... I'm muy happy for ju chica..... Felicidades 🥳 .... it's about time... cause ju know... if you didn't she would.... aaaooowww... go me..go me ...go go ... go meee!"💃💃💃

"Stoooop" "you is Stu Stu stupid...." 😂😂😂

Eruption of laughter

"Gurl, I know you are mad private... soooo ... I'm not even gonna get in your biz."

"I'll tell you something...."

"what... what... Ju got jugo conmigo?"👂👂👂

"shhhhh... come this way"🤫

"okay... what's up?"😳😳😳

"And why are we whispering?"

"I was just gonna tell you... something,.... *clears thriat* something, .... something, something just ain't right🎶🎶🎶"

Eruption of laughter

"Gurl... ur stupid is on a whole nother level todayyy!!!"


"My face Lycia, my face hurts... omg... let's get to study hall... I wanna read a new book today..."


"When una Bella is reading a book... she looks ... muy intelegente..."

"Hey... how ju doin bayyybeee, ju look marvelous..."

"Grazie Bella, es por ti😎😉"

"Well... you always look nice.... anddd... we been hangin only a short while... soooo"

"Bella, I'm joking... but not really... but.... do you always analyze and overthink?"🤔

eyes rolling real hard right now... in my mind... heeeheee


short word number two.

"Why, Lyric, why do you do this?"

Because I can, because I want to, it's who I am, it's what makes me me, why not.......I  think as I stare into almond eyes...

"Don't know."


"That's it Bella... nothing more?"

Ooohhh... I've got pleeennntttyyy

"Uh, yep, that's all I got. BTW, aren't you supposed to be at work study starting now?"

"Are you kicking me out, Bella?" *Pretends to be stabbed at the heart*

Absolutely not, never that, why on earth... you got to be kidding... you can stay by my side... allll day.!😌😍😳



"May I ask you something?"


"Why are your answers so short with me today?

"Well, first answer me this... who is the girl giving me the evil eye as we talk?... don't tur...."

He turns to look

"Don't know." *shruggs it off do innocently*

"Way to be inconspicuous G... good job..."

Covers face with hand🤦‍♀️

"Lyric... why are you embarrassed... everything is fine, anyway, I came to see if you'd have a snack with me before you go home today."

"uh huh..."

Eyes on female across the room👀

"Lyric, Lyric... present?!..."

"Sorry, totally listening... totally present... see you after school... there's the bell... ciao Guappo❣"

"Great... ciao Bella!❤"

A LOVE NOT MINETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang