The Wedding Goes On (Chapter 19)

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Let me know what you guys think of Lucas :) Please vote and comment if you like! Anna's dress is in the external link :D Click on it, you know you wanna!

Enjoy :)


"I personally prefer the carrot cake," Great Great Grandma Lucy wrinkled her nose, pushing away the plate of triple chocolate fudge cake.

I rolled my eyes. This was supposed to be my wedding, even if it was all fake. Lucy waved her hand for another sample, and the poor waiter returned, asking Lucy what she wanted to taste next. Lucas was sitting on my left, taking his time with the slices of cake. He clucked his tongue in distaste as he tried the orange meringue before switching to strawberry.

I sighed as I eyed the dozens of plates splayed out in front of me. Today was July 10th. My flight was supposed to have landed in Florida last night. Thanks to Lucas and his falling for Lucy's please-grant-me-my-one-last-wish puppy dog eyes, I'd been forced to extend my stay for two extra weeks. Which meant that I had to leave Drake and Chelsea for four weeks instead of the original two.

Sometimes I missed Drake so much that my whole heart ached, and I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed. I missed his husky, safe smell. I missed being crushed by his strong arms in the morning when I woke up, and I longed for his kisses. Sometimes Lucas would say something funny, and I would look over to see if Drake was laughing too, but he wasn't there. I wanted to see his emerald eyes sparkle, see his lips tug upwards into a smirk, watch him flip his hair as it grew long enough for me to run my hands through.

I hadn't known that I'd miss him this much when I'd left.

Emails and Facetime weren't enough. We called each other every day and talked for hours, but I needed to see him. He was a part of me now, and I couldn't breathe without him.

"Helllooo? Earth to Anna?"

I snapped out of my daze, turned my head and looked expectantly at Lucas.

"I was saying, which cake do you like best? I prefer the red velvet, but we can get a different flavor for each tier if you want."

I glanced down at the surplus of half-eaten cakes. To be honest, I had only tried around three of the twenty-four. "Umm, I like the triple chocolate fudge." My statement ended up sounding more like a question.

Immediately, Lucy began muttering something under her breath about how I picked the one she hated the most. Lucas chided his Great Great Grandmother, who promptly shut up before re-tasting the chocolate fudge.

My thoughts drifted off again, this time towards Chelsea. I was 'getting married' on July 22nd and my flight to Florida was set for July 23rd. Lucas had agreed that we'd find some way to break up the proposal before then. That meant that I would have nine days to break up Chelsea's wedding. Technically eight, if you didn't count July 31st, which was the day of the actual wedding.

My excuse for extending my time in Chicago was pretty lame. Lucas and his family were devastated by Grandma Suzie's passing. Although most of the relatives had left Chicago by now to pick up again with their own lives, Lucas was barely holding it together. He needed me to take care of him—just for a little while. Lucas's parents wanted to grieve in private, and Lucas needed someone to turn to.

It sounded pretty ridiculous if you considered the fact that Lucas was 24 years old, but I figured that Drake already thought Lucas was a wuss, so it would be fine. Plus, I didn't have any more good lies in me. The more lies I told, the more tangled my web became, and the more energy I had sucked out of me.

We selected three more flavors: red velvet, carrot cake, and lemon meringue. With the flavors of the four tier cake decided, Lucy pulled out the crinkled scroll from her bag.

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