The Silence (Chapter 13)

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Author's note: There is steaminess ahead right at the end of the chapter. I will leave a note in the chapter, telling you where to stop reading if you don't want to read it! Enjoy :)


June 24th, 37 days until the wedding.

"Ummm, Chels?" I bit my lower lip nervously at my best friend.

She raised her eyebrows at me for a moment, sparing me a quick glance from her last wedding invitation. She then continued to slip the thick, cream and gold card into it's envelope, placing a stamp in the corner.

I rolled my eyes at her, slightly irritated. Okay, maybe I was more than just slightly irritated. But could you really blame me?

Chelsea had been ignoring me for exactly the past two weeks now. All because I didn't tell her Drake and I were together. I didn't know why it was such a big deal to her--I wanted to keep my relationship with Drake private because I wasn't ready to share it with anyone, and for some reason, she couldn't accept that. The way I saw it, it was none of her business who I was dating and when I decided to tell her. Not to mention that Drake and I hadn't officially been together until she saw us the night of the carnival.

Apparently, the night Drake and I went to the carnival and kissed in the Ferris wheel was the same night Chelsea and Matt decided to go to the carnival on their date. They had seen us getting off our compartment while they were in line. Drake and I had not noticed them because we'd been so flustered. When I got home and Chelsea forced me to admit we were together, she thought we had been secretly dating behind her back for the past week that I'd been in Florida. In reality, Drake had only just asked me to be his girlfriend. I tried to tell her that, but she thought I was lying. She was so pissed off at me that she didn't talk to me for two entire weeks (and counting). I tried to get Drake to knock some sense into her to prove I wasn't lying, but she still didn't believe me. Hell, I even resorted to Matt! I think he helped me because her rotten  attitude was starting to gnaw at him, but even he couldn't talk sense into her. Chelsea was still being stubborn and was refusing to acknowledge my presence.

I was surprised she even looked at me today.

And remember how I had convinced myself to tell Chelsea the truth about Matt? That was impossible to do if she wouldn't even pay attention to me. Even if she had been talking to me, I still wouldn't be able to tell her the truth because she thought I had been lying about dating Drake. If she thought I was lying about that, why would she believe me when I told her Matt was cheating on her?

So I ended up not telling her for another two weeks. That meant I had delayed the truth for three weeks, leaving me with only thirty seven days until the day of the wedding. Despite my lack of communication with Chelsea, the wedding plans had gone by smoothly (much to my displeasure). She had appointed Matt to be her assistant and worked him like a dog. He was to come with her to every single appointment I booked and was to speak on her behalf. She'd whisper her opinion in his ear and like a puppet, Matt would voice her thoughts.

From what the wedding invitations looked like, to the taste and style of the food we were going to serve to the guests, to the cake and cupcakes, Matt had spoken through it all. Even when we went to the flower shop.

I almost felt bad for him.


Today was not going to be a good day. Chelsea and I were supposed to be shopping for wedding dresses today. And when I said Chelsea and I, I meant only Chelsea and I. This was the first time Matt wasn't going to be here on an appointment with us, and we still weren't talking. On top of that, Jennifer and company were coming along later so we could find bridesmaid dresses.

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