The Elevator Incident (Chapter 10)

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank every single one of you for helping me get to chapter TEN :D Thank you so much everyone! Without you, there is no me. Vote if you like. I'm aiming for funny but who knows...I'm probably not XD



"Great legs, what time do they open?" My jaw dropped as I watched Matt stagger over to me, tracing one of his fingers down my tan, smooth leg.

"What the hell Matt? You're engaged! You can't just hit on me like that! I'm Chelsea's best friend!"

"And Hannah is Chelsea's best friend," Drake added, throwing a heavy arm over.

I gagged at the smell of alcohol pouring out of the threesome, shrugging his arm off of me. "And this is why I don't drink. Who is Hannah?"

Matt smirked. "Just a friend."

Uh huh. Just a friend my butt. "Chelsea, come here," I demanded, watching the blonde make her way to an escalator.

These three idiots had lost the car keys to Drake's Lexus. We were locked outside, and the trio of drunks were acting like a bunch of morons. We had walked around for maybe fifteen minutes looking for a place to stay before spotting a hotel. I had taken the liberty of using Matt's credit card (thankfully he was smart enough to keep his wallet on him) to pay for one last-minute hotel room. I didn't bother worrying over whether or not he cared that I had just spent two hundred and fifty dollars of his on a room. He would thank me for it later, the bastard.

Anyways, handling three drunk buffoons was harder than it looked.  For some reason when Matt got drunk he started spurting out pick up lines like nobody's business. Matt sauntered over to his fiance and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Wanna ride my elevator?"

She smacked his arm and giggled hysterically. I tried not to gag as the two exchanged tonsils. They were making out way too intensely. I wanted to burn my eyes and never open them again. That's  when I realized Drake was gone.

I looked around in horror. Drake was inside the elevator next to the one Chelsea and Matt where smooching in front of. Inside the elevator were a bunch of annoyed looking people, watching as my (maybe?) boyfriend pressed every single floor level button. I ran towards him, but I was too late. The doors closed.

Damn it.


Drake's POV

To be honest, I had no idea what was going on. I felt like I was about to throw up and pass out. There were colors swarming my vision and if I moved too fast I got a killer headache. All I wanted to do was down another shot to get rid of the pain. I had to stand stick still to keep the pain away--which, by the way, is extremely hard to do if 7 other people in a cramped space are glaring at you.

My vision cleared, and suddenly I had a great idea. I was trapped in an elevator, so why not make the most of it?

I walked up to a lady that looked like she had a stick up her ass and sniffed her. She took one step back, and I waited a few moments before I sniffed her again. She threw me a disgusted look before walking to the opposite end of the elevator. Three of the floor buttons had already unlit, so I pressed one and pretended it shocked me. I smiled as I withdrew my finger, pressed another button and exaggeratedly acted as though I was electrically shocked. I continued the process for the last button before deciding to do something else.

The next floor had someone get off, so I held open the door as some middle aged lady exited. I waited for about ten minutes, pretending to wait for someone, when I saw my imaginary friend. "Hey Bob! What's up?" The doors closed.

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