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Seokjin woke up early in the morning in an empty bed. He went to the bathroom looked at his reflection in the mirror. All his languor disappeared when he looked at his body and emitted an inhuman shriek.

"Oh no! Belly fat!!!!!!" His voice was loud enough to wake the entire household up.

There was a slight bulge in his belly which was hardly visible to any human being, but Seokjin being a doctor, fitness was something of utmost importance to him.

"From today onwards, I will be working out for an hour in the morning." His voice laced with determination.

He put on Jungkook's grey singlet which was reeking with his scent.

"Gosh. I love this smell so much." He whispered while inhaling his fragrance.

At the end of the hallway of the top floor of the Jeon mansion, there was a fitness room which had some basic fitness equipments like dumbbells of different masses, a barbell with different adjustable plates, tricep bar, an EZ curl bar, stability ball a treadmill, punching bag with safety gloves and a Taekwondo protective gear kit.

"Which one should I choose...umm" he was scanning the various paraphernalia. "Aha! Dumbbells" He finally settled on dumbbells.

He started with the lightest one, 2 kilograms. After a few lifts, he began to wheeze.

"This is ridiculous! I should practice lifting weights more but right now I am tired." He laid down on the floor.

His body was sprawled across the floor like a starfish. He was soon fast asleep. Some moment later, he woke up to a familiar scent. He cracked open his eyes and saw a shirtless Jungkook hovering over him.

"Kookie what are you-" He was interrupted with a peck on his lips.

"Can't you see, I am doing push-ups here." He winked at him. With every dip, he stole a kiss from his husband.

"You have the entire room floor available. Why don't you choose some other place for your push-ups?"

"Umm...lets say you looked very inviting." Jungkook pecked his neck, making the man beneath him blush.

"Kookie pabo! Now get off me and let me work out with dumbbells." The brunette hollered at him.

The seme stopped his exercise, grabbed his uke's waist and flipped their position. "Quit the dumbbells." He pulled his husband closer to his chest and whispered in his raspy voice, "I will give you a work out."

The redness of Seokjin's cheeks were comparable to a tomato. Before they could proceed, they heard someone clearing his throat. The pair turned their heads and saw Woozi standing on the threshold of the door.

"Hyung, if you are done, can I please exercise?" The uke was now a blushing mess.

"Yeah, why not? I was about to lift weights as it is." With saying that, Jungkook lifted his husband his arms and progressed towards their bedroom.

He kicked open his bedroom door and threw Seokjin on to the bed. The raven haired male captured the brunette's lips for a sensuous kiss while his hands slipped inside his singlet. Jungkook's hands were exploring Seokjin's upper body while his tongue was exploring his sweetest cavern. The uke's nails were digging deeper into the seme's back.

While the couple was engaged in a steamy make-out session, Jungkook's phone buzzed. He mentally cursed the party pooper when they broke the kiss.

He retrieved his phone from the nightstand and unlocked the phone. Jungkook got riled when he saw the name of the sender.

"Ishikawa Hiroki" He growled while clutching his phone hard. Seokjin hid his face in the crook of his neck while the other male held him tightly.

"It's alright baby, I won't let him do anything to you. Okay?" Jungkook cooed comforting words in his husband's ears to calm the frightened male down.

-Jungkook-san, my father and Mr. Jeon have arranged a meeting tomorrow with you and Taehyung-san. Please do attend.

Regarding our previous conversation, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for my misconduct. I had not been in a correct state of mind for the past few days. I had been languishing after my lover who got separated from me years ago. Sorry to say, but Dr. Seokjin, to some extent, resembled my long lost lover, so I was unable to get a hold on myself.

I would be highly obliged if you would forgive me and not break the contract. I promise not to interfere in your married life. I will be waiting for your reply.-

"You have also read the message. What should I do now, love?" The seme asked his uke, who was pondering over the text message he read.

"Kookie, when I was small, my Eomma once said, never hold any grudge against anyone. Not even your enemies. Who knows, a little act of kindness might change their heart. Since he is guilty of his deeds, you should forgive." The brunette replied with a pleasant smile plastered on his face.

Jungkook cupped Seokjin jaw and held him closer. "You are the living embodiment of kindness. Since you are insisting, I will forgive him but under the condition that he will never pester you again."

Having said that, he quickly typed

-I am forgiving you only on my husband's request. It would be best for the both of us to keep our relationship limited to business only. And I would be very thankful if you do not pester my husband further.-

Jungkook kept his phone back on the nightstand pulled Seokjin on his lap.

"You know baby, you are rose while I am the thorn. Just like the thorn protects the bloom on top, if anybody dares to lay a finger on you, they have deal with the thorn named Jeon Jungkook." The seme wrapped his hand around the uke's neck and pulled him for a kiss.

The kiss was short-lived but sweet. When they broke the kiss, Seokjin whispered in his man's ears, "Kookie its time for a shower. I don't want to be late for my work."

Jungkook carried him to the bathroom and showered together.


The meeting next day was a success. Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim along with their sons Jungkook and Taehyung had attended the meeting. As soon it got over and all started to depart, Hiroki grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pulled him back.

"A word with you." Hiroki said. Jungkook nodded and informed his dad that he would meet him in his office soon.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Jungkook asked.

"I just wanted to express my heartfelt apologies for my lawlessness. I should not have said such inappropriate things. As I had mentioned in my text the previous day that I was pining for my long lost lover, so I was not in a correct state of mind. I apologize again for it." Hiroki hung his head low.

"It's alright Hiroki-san. I am glad that you have apologized. As said earlier, I would like to limit our relation only to business, nothing more. I hope that you may find your lover some day." Jungkook placed a hand on his shoulder and assured him.

"Thank you. Thank you so much Jungkook-san. I would forever be grateful to you." The other male said.

"So I will be taking my leave now. Have a good day." Jungkook took his leave after saying that.

As soon as he left, Hiroki's smile was replaced with a nasty smirk.

"Apology my ass. This is the only way to get closer to both of you. Seokjin, you will be mine.....very very soon." A dark aura surrounded him while he had the most sinister smile plastered on his face.


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