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Hi dear readers, I hope you missed me XP XP.

I know I have been ignoring this story for a very long time but I am finally back with another chapter. I (J) Hope you like it.


Jungkook has been extremely busy off late. He was so occupied with work that he did not even have a time to glance at his phone or read his text messages. Most of the times he would return home late and find his better-half sleeping soundly.

Three days later when his work load finally reduced, he checked his notifications. There were several notifications. Most of them were pictures of his former classmate's wedding photos in which he was tagged. He was about click on 'clear all' option, when he found a three day old text on his Whatsapp account and several missed calls an unknown number.


I want to meet you. It's very urgent.



Hey hi! I am very sorry I had been occupied with work.

My call blocking app blocked your calls.

How are you btw?


I am fine. I wanted to talk to you on the day of the wedding

but you seemed to be very busy with your former classmates and

handling a jealous Seokjin XD (Sorry for that)

So I had to take your number from Taehyung.


It's alright.

Meet me at the café opposite to our former university at 6 today.

I hope you remember the way.


Yeah sure. I will see you at 6 today. Cya.


Jungkook arrived at the said venue sharp at 6 in the evening and saw that his friend had already arrived.

"Hey hi!" He greeted Hanako with a pleasant smile.

"Hi Jungkook! It's feels so good to see you." She gave him a warm embrace to which the male politely accepted.

They both had a very candid conversation, smiling and laughing occasionally. It was almost 6:45 when Hanako realized on what purpose he had asked the man to meet her.

"Jungkook, there is something very important you need to know. It is extremely important as it concerns Seok-" her words were intercepted by a call. Seeing the name on the caller ID, she first tried to ignore and continue with her words but the person kept on calling her, repeatedly.

"Hanako I think you should receive the call. It might be urgent." Jungkook suggested while sipping his black coffee.

"Excuse me." She excused herself to receive the call.


"What did you think huh? You can trick me and I won't be able to get a hint of it? Look outside right now." She heard a somber voice speaking from the other side.

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