Chapter 1

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Harry walks into Starbucks and makes his way to the table his friends are sitting at, as he winds his way through the tables he ignores the looks he gets from the other customers. After years of this kind of attention he's used to it. As soon as puberty hit, Harry shot up to an impressive 6'5, not only that, his hair started curling at the ends when it grew to long. Being a young, hormonal teen, he used that to his advantage. Harry let his hair grow out, curls going wild, got the girls he wanted. Now he older, wiser.
For the past four years, since being in college, Harry has been balancing his studies with a modeling career, the past two years he's added on a relationship with a fellow model he's met. For the past few months he's not been happy with the way a part of his life has been going though. School is fine, almost done with it. Loves his job, getting to model the latest fashion. His relationship? That's a different story, DeeDee is a nice enough girl around him, beautiful to be seen with when out at important functions, but here lately he's heard rumors of her and some of her friends belittling others they don't think are up to their standards. Harry doesn't like people like that, he has never thought one person is any better than another just because of the job they hold or the way they look. So here he is thinking about breaking up with her after dating her for two years.

Ivory puts her car in park, then locks it so she can make her way into the building in front of her. When she got the message that the head of the modeling agency wanted to see her, Ivory decided skipping her last class of the day wouldn't hurt this one time. Years ago, her freshman year in high school, her grandmother gave her a camera for Christmas. From that moment on Ivory feel in love with capturing any and everyone or thing she could on film. Once she started college, gearing all her classes toward photography, one of her teachers helped her get this job. She's been working here for two years now, she loves what she does. Well most times she loves her job.
When Ivory was younger, like most kids, she always dreamed of someday being a beautiful model or dancer. When she stopped growing her eighth grade year, making her top out at 4'8, she knew those dreams would never come true, so when she got her first camera, she realized she could become the best photographer ever. But here lately even that has become a chore due to a few spoiled models thinking they're better than everyone else. Getting to the door she needs, Ivory raises her hand and knocks.

Louis looks up, when he sees Harry walk in he motions him over. When he sits down Louis sets his iced coffee in front of him. "Went ahead and got yours."

"Thanks, I was on the phone with Mr. Roberts." Harry says. "He wants me to come in early. So I can't stay long."

"New modeling gig?" Liam asks, putting his arm around Niall.

"Maybe, he didn't say." Harry says with a shrug.

"DeeDee going to be there too?" Niall asks, playing with Liam's fingers.

"God I hope not." Harry groans. "Guys I'm not sure I can handle doing another shoot with her. The last one we did she was so clingy I barely went to the bathroom without her wanting to follow me." Harry complains.

"You breaking up with her?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, I think so. Graduation is just around the corner, we won't be in-house anymore, we'll be traveling more and not to the same places. It's time to cut her loose, be single for a while." Harry says as he stands up. "Gotta run, see you guys later."
As soon as Ivory hears enter yelled out she eases the door open. "You wanted to see me Mr. Roberts?"

"Ah, yes. Ms. Moore. Please, come in and have a seat." Mr. Roberts says. "It's been brought to my attention that some of the best pictures being taken here are from you, and you'll be graduating in a few weeks."

Ivory shrugs. "I am graduating in two weeks, with a photography degree." She says. "Now on the other? You'll have to be the judge of that I'm afraid."

Mr. Roberts smiles. "And I have been. I've looked at several of the photos you've taken over the past few months. Can I call you Ivory?" At her nod he continues. "Ivory, I'd like to offer you a permanent job here, once you graduate, of course. I want you to be the head photographer of a new venture we're about to start. We'll be traveling all over the world with the best male and female models I have, showing off the best fashion. And dear, I want you to be my lead photographer." He grins.

Ivory's eyes pop open wide. "Really? Wow! Thank you."

"So you'll do it?" Mr. Roberts asks.

"Absolutely." Ivory says, shaking his hand.

"Wonderful, now get out of here, I'm giving you the next two weeks off with pay. After you graduate be ready to be a very busy lady." Mr. Roberts says.

Harry sits in front of the owner of the modeling agency wondering why he was as called in. "Mr. Styles, it's been brought to my attention that you have been requested by some of the top designers in the business to model their clothes. Congratulations."

"Wow! Thanks." Harry says.

"I understand you'll be graduating in two weeks." At Harry's nod he continues. "I have put together a new venture that will be taking you and several other top models here all around the world. You'll be modeling the best fashion made by the top designers, being photographed by my best photographer. You, Harry will be my head male model. We leave a week after you graduate. Now you have the next two weeks off with pay, study, pack. Whatever." Mr. Roberts says.

Harry nods. "Thank you, sir." Harry says as he walks out of the office shocked.

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