Boku no Hero Academia [Bakugou x Reader] Chapter one.

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"That's mean, Kacchan. Can't you see he's crying?" Izuku whimpered, tears stinging from the corner of his eyes. The young boy put up his fists to protect the sobbing boy behind him. He really was scared himself but he couldn't let these three boys in front of him carry on this sort of abuse.

"If you keep going, I-I-I'll never forgive you!"

The male in the center chuckled a little as he looked at the quivering boy. He really didn't care what he was doing with his powers, nor the two boys behind him.

"Even though you're're pretending to be a hero, Deku?" He smacked his fist against his palm causing little flames to blow.

The freckled bow gasped out when he saw the three charge towards him, he was really scared but he wanted to protect the boy. When they had finished their abuse...they left leaving a crying boy and one who was badly injured. He laid there looking up at the sky, wondering to himself when his powers will come. Hoping to have it arrive soon.

"Do you need some help?" A voice said out, the figure walking over to the two boys...Izuku looked over weakly to see someone around his age. You stared down at him and leaned down before touching his forehead.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt." After saying those words, your hand glowed...healing him but it was not perfect, you were only a child still...learning the powers to heal would take quite a while.

"Thank you," Izuku mumbled softly and then closed his eyes to rest.

"I'm sure you can be a hero one day." You smiled sweetly before you did the same to the crying boy, leaving the scene you went back to your home. That was the first time you met him- ever since then you both met up and became friends, supporting him to get his quirk no matter what. You never forgot the look in his eyes when he tried protecting the boy, standing in the distance watching how brave he could be. Maybe in the future, you could be heroes together.


"All men are not created equal. This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four. And that was my first and last setback."

Years past and the freckled boy ran, he seemed so excited...Even at the crossing lights, he was still moving his legs, wanting to run so much. As soon as the lights changed he ran, ran as much as his legs could carry him. What was causing this much excitement? What seemed to have caught his attention? OH! It was the villain on top of the bridge. Standing about maybe 12 feet tall- or 10, the shark looking male roared out in anger.

Izuku stood there with such delight on his face, his fingers curled into the straps of his bag...Standing there just staring up at the action that was going to happen.

"That's a huge Villain!"

The shark-man roared once again knocked over the electrical wires. It was heading towards the crowd of people. As it dropped a Hero ran out towards it to grab the object. Gritted his teeth as he held on tightly.

"Oh, it's Death Arms! He carries out justice through his great physical strength! The punching Hero!!" A male said out staring in awe.

The watery substance then formed in front of the people like barriers to stop them from crossing over. A hero that looked like a fire hydrant was keeping everyone safe as well.

"Everyone, this is dangerous. Stay back, stay back!"

"The rescue specialist, Backdraft, is here, too!"

"But man, turning into a monster's an amazing Quirk."

"What did he do?"

"He stole someone's bag and went out of control when he was cornered."

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