Boku no Hero Academia [Bakugou x Reader] Chapter seven

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-Flash back-

"We all lived in the same neighbourhood, well...I moved in and met up with Izuku and then Bakugou...Izuku was nice but Bakugou always ended up hurting him so I had to heal him half the time. Seeing his quirk amazed me but it seemed bad, always hurting others and forcing me to heal them. I promised to never hurt him with my darkness to teach him a lesson...even Izuku would have been scared."


"Even though you're weak with your healing...your new powers are fake! You are a coward! That is what I hate about you!" Bakugou shouted

"All people are not created equally...This was the reality I learned about society at the young age of four." You thought as you stood there ready to fight.

"Oi! Bakugou! Give me your status, what happened?" Iida spoke into the earpiece

"Just shut up and defend. I'm really angry right now." Bakugou spoke back.

"I'm not asking about how you feel! Hey! Hey he hung up...Going off on his own like that...What is wrong with him?! Jeez!" Iida yelled.

"What is Bakugou saying? Can't tell with just the cameras in a fixed position and no sound." Kirishima said as he looked up in concern

"He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio. You can bring that plus the building's floor plan, and this capture tape. Once you wrap this around your opponent, it shows that you've captured them." All Might pointed out.

"The time limit is fifteen minutes, and the heroes don't know where the nuclear weapon is located, right?" Ashido questioned.


"The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here!"

"Heroes should be able to turn the tables on whatever predicament they're in. Besides, didn't Aizawa sensei tell you, too? You know—Here we go—"

"Plus Ultra!" Everyone shouted.

"Monsieur, Bakugou is—"


Back in the building Bakugou swung his arm back and used his quirk to blast himself forward, he then swung his leg towards you but as he did you called out to Izuku. "Izuku! Go! Think of a plan and meet up with me!" Finally his leg made contact with your arm instead of the side of your head. You defend yourself and stared up at him.

"Looking away? You must be sure of yourself! Eh...The capture tape--?!"

That's right, you were using the capture tape and manged to get it around his ankle, thinking back to Eraser head's moves, you used it at an advantage and got the tape around the male ankle...

"Tch...this bomb head is impatient and will swing his right again!"

You jumped out the way to dodge the attack. "Moron, making it so obvious." You thought and looked back at him, in the monitor room the other students were in shock that you guessed right. Even All Might was impressed...after just a small amount of time you took notes of those around you.

"He kicked first this time to keep me from predicting his moves...He's being cautious now." You mentally spoke, now thinking of a plan.

Bakugou got ready, he put both his palms back but you turned on your heels and ran a different direction, needing to meet up with Izuku, but instead you spoke through the earpiece.

"Izuku! Go for the fake bomb, find it and get it...I know it sounds rash but- I will keep Bakugou distracted."

"_____, if this is what you want then I will get the bomb, be careful."

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