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I got back to the apartment and sat on the couch, with the lights off. It was too quiet without Zoe, and I felt empty. Even though I had gotten used to living without anyone for a really long time, I had also gotten used to living with Zoe for that short month and it felt weird without her. 

Hopefully I would get used to living without her again for a week. 

After a bit, I decided that I shouldn't be moping and I should actually be productive and do something. I stood up, turned the lights on, and did my hair. I was going to film a video. In all the hubbabub that had been happening recently with Zoe I had kind of been laking in videos. 

I ended up filming about four different videos, so I wouldn't have to film for a while, now I just had to edit all of them, which I already knew would take ages, I might as well start doing it now. 

I had been editing for about two hours when my stomach started to growl and I realised I needed some food in my stomach. Thankfully Zoe had gone grocery shopping right before she left so we had the stuff to make a yummy pasta dish. 

After I ate and cleared away my dishes I didn't really have anything to do, so I decided to go for a walk, which was so unlike me. I got my coat before leaving because I knew it was going to be starting to get cold outside as it neared October. 

The starts shone above me as I walked around the city, and I briefly wondered why I had never thought to go for a walk like this before. It was so nice and peaceful. Calm. The moon was large over the bay and everything was beautiful. 

I wondered if Zoe was looking at the same sky as me and if she was thinking it was just as beautiful. It surely must be just as beautiful in Los Angeles. Right there on my walk I realised that I was glad Zoe had gone to take that job. She had really wanted to, and I was glad I wasn't the thing that was holding her back. 

I loved her, and I would do anything for her. 


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