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Alfie took me on a walk to the beach and it was pretty and nice and I loved spending time with him. I really did. It was nice, since he had been spending a lot of time with my mum lately. It was just us tonight and I loved that. 

The temperature was nice and I didn't really need the light jacket I had brought with me to wear. The whole purpose of our going out was to go to shops and do any last minute shopping we had to do. I actually didn't have any though and neither did Alfie, so we just walked together. 

My hand was in his and we walked onto the sand and all the way down to the pier and the other side of the beach. The stars were out and it was just really a beautiful night. I loved just walking with Alfie and not talking, it felt nice; like we didn't have to fill the space between us with words to be comfortable. The silence was comfortable. 

Wehn we go to the pier Alfie stopped. The sun was just setting even though the moon and stars had come out ages ago to set the scene. He looked at me and I looked at him. I was confused, why had we stopped? 

"Zoe Sugg, I need to ask you something," he said that and my face dropped. I knew this was coming, I knew it and I wasn't ready. It took all of it out of me to try and not panic. 

He got down on his knee and pulled out a velvety box holding a gorgeous ring inside. It was such a beautiful ring I couldn't help but gasp. "Will you marry me?" he asked as he looked into my eyes. 

I looked straight back at him as my mouth struggled to find words. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Alfie, but I was confused. I was young and I didn't want ot make any commitments this early n my life, especially considering the fact that Alfie and I had been dating less than a year. That scared me. 

So the coward that I am, I opened my mouth about to say 'yes', but it most definitely came out as a 'no' and there was nothing I could do to remedy that. What I had said was done. What I had said because I was scared of commitment. Even though I constantly told myself to say yes in scary situations I couldn't do it. Not this time. 


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