2. Digging Their Own Grave

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(6:00 PM)

"Back into my suit!" Kyle grinned as he put on the long, black and red cape. "You guys ready yet?" he yelled up stairs.

"Almost!" Dan responded, a loud bang following soon after.

The lead singer, drummer, and bassist had taken along their Halloween costumes, each one iconic to the band member. After Dan spoke about the bizarre ghost story, Woody and Will were completely up to going to the haunted house. Kyle, on the other hand, he was...well...he wasn't totally willing to do it. The band's plan was to go and buy a Ouija board at a local toy store, but first, they were forced to change into their costumes by the pushy keys player. Kyle was curious what everyone would be dressed as, since the others brought their clothes in bags that obscured his eyes from being able to see what was hidden inside. Hearing that bang from Dan, Kyle didn't know what to think when dead silence followed soon after.

"Is he dead?" Kyle mumbled to himself.

"If he was, I'd be able to see blood," Woody joked from behind the corner of the narrow staircase.

Kyle slowly turned to give himself the surprise of seeing the drummer's costume, but to his dismay, thirty-two year old Woody was in an Argyle team jersey, with matching shorts and his football cleats. Of course...the keys player face palmed at the boring, not to mention predictable, costume. Will came stumbling down the wooden steps, wearing a fancy CSI style suit, with ring chain of cool gadgets hanging from his waist band. Not surprising to both Woody and Kyle, the bassist actually appeared very sexy in the costume, which wasn't much different when he was just wearing his regular outfits to gigs and shows.


"Why the fuck is he even taking so long to wear a costume?" Kyle shook his head in disappointment.

"Maybe it's something hard to fit into?" Will guessed while shrugging.

"Nah," the drummer rolled his eyes. "He just texted me that he's, and I say this in quotations, nearly finished with the bones," Woody read off of his phone.

"Bones?" Kyle retracted his head backwards in confusion. "What the fuck?"

"Done!" Dan's cheerful voice was heard from the top step.

"Finally," everyone muttered at the bottom.

A bunch of shuffling was heard as the three band mates exchanged confused-as-fuck glances with each other. Tension and curiosity grew as slow, heavy footsteps came down the wooden stairs, as well as the sound of plastic hitting plastic. The three pairs of eyes grew wide as the first half of Dan Smith emerged from the blind spot, seemingly normal, with his clothes the same as ever. However, once the other side came out, one could hear a chorus of gasps come from the Bastille musicians as Dan walked down the last few steps, the right half of his face painted very well with a skull and black background, with a red iris to give everyone the shivers whenever they looked at him. The right side of him was completely tattered and ruined, covered in bones, with the clothes ripped in various sections to give that undead vibe.

"Woah." Everyone's jaws dropped open at the magnificent costume.

"What do you think?" Dan nervously blushed, only the left side of his face showing his slight embarrassment.

"D-did you do that yourself?!" Kyle went right up to the singer's face to see the detailed features of the makeup.

"Well, the package had this massive skull tattoo that's supposed to cover both sides of my face, but I got clumsy and dropped one half into the toilet," he sheepishly smiled. "So I got this idea to just use one half of the package and make one half of me look alive and stuff, and make the other half look dead."

"Very nice," Will laughed. "Should we get going to the shop before it closes?"

"Yep!" Kyle nodded. "You guys go ahead, I gotta pick up something."

"Okay?" the rest of Bastille confusedly stared at the keyboardist as he exited his house, driving off to who knows where.


(6:41 PM)

"How about this?" Woody held up a vintage-looking board.

"Where's the planchette?" Dan pointed out.

"On this side," the drummer flipped the box, revealing the bright green piece of plastic.

"Fuck no," Will and Dan shook their heads.

"But it's gree-"

"That's exactly why," they both muttered under the music that played inside the store.

"Cunts," Woody grumbled, placing the box back onto the shelf.

"OOH!" Dan squealed. "Glow in the dark!" he grinned at the label.

"That's fucking cool," Will agreed with the singer's choice.

"Fine," Woody rolled his eyes at the board. "Let's just go and pay so we can get to the house."

"Alright," Dan walked away to the cashier.

"So," Will looked at the Argyle costume. "You a fan of the Argyles?"

"Very," the football fan tried to hide his smile.

"Yo!" a familiar voice caught the two's attention.

"Charlo!" Woody grinned, quickly giving an extremely weirded out facial expression. "Are you...are you a cup of coffee?"

"From Starbucks!" the touring member laughed. As if none of us saw that coming...Woody thought to himself.

"Have you seen Dan's costume?" Will asked. "It's fucking sexy."

"No," Charlie cocked an eyebrow. "But it's probably not as sexy as Kyle the Vampire," he pointed at the tall vampire who was staring at a creepy doll. "And are you four serious about going to that place?"

"Definitely," the three nodded. "Minus Kyle." Very true, thought Charlie. "What are you doing here?" Woody asked.

"I'm your savior in case you guys all die."

"Savior?" Kyle pursed his lips.

"I can report your deaths to the fans, and I'm ready to."

"What makes you think we're gonna die?" Will crossed his muscular arms.

"You're fucking digging yourselves your own graves by buying a Ouija board," Charlie bluntly pointed out.

"Then let's fucking go!" they all cried, in hopes of proving the twenty-eight year old wrong.

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