18. Don't Bury Your Head

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     (2:54 AM)

     "It's almost three..." Dan checked the watch that hung loosely on his bony left wrist. "Should we keep going?"

"What else is there to ask?" Woody questioned. "I feel like we've gone through everything someone could ask a ghost."

Not everything...Kyle narrowed his eyes, feeling a rush of blue. Something's fishy about this.

"I've got one more thing to ask it."

"Really?" Will became surprised and turned to his vampire friend.

"Tell us!" Dan begged.

"It's a personal matter," Kyle muttered and pressed down on the planchette harder with aggression.

"Don't ask something about you and Janna!" Woody groaned and cowered his head.

"It's not about that."

"Then ask the damn question!" Dan laughed. "We all wanna hear what it is!"

"Are you still there?" The keyboardist asked first.


"Why the fuck can my eyes glow blue?! Why am I the only one here who hasn't been possessed yet?!"

"Ky! Don't swear at it! It might get mad!"

"Fuck off! I have to know!"

Granting the answer to Kyle's questions, the planchette aggressively slid across the board, stopping abruptly at the sun picture. It just made Kyle even angrier. He wanted a thorough answer, something to give him closure, but instead, the spirit did the exact opposite and gave a broad answer that could mean thousands of things. And his band mates did nothing to ease the anger, only gazing at their friend in awe of his sudden reaction to the board. Then it moved. Kyle was about to rampage about the Flaming Skull being a douche and other rude things, when the planchette decided to slid across slowly to spell out a phrase. It was finally the answer Kyle wanted to hear.




Will didn't understand. He always believed that vampires burned and died in the sunlight. And he certainly had no clue why the spirit called Kyle "the sun". Bastille's drummer was just as confused as his pal, but didn't go on a rant how vampires were supposed to burn under light, knowing that Kyle was already immune to bright flashlights. Then there was Dan. The skeleton had a feeling that Kyle was a different vampire compared to fictional ones. Kyle's blue eyes and immunity to light have off a unique vibe that told his best friend that he was no ordinary undead creature of the night. There was a reason why the keyboardist hadn't been possessed yet, Kyle and Dan knew exactly why after seeing the message from the Flaming Skull.

"He's a sun vampire," Dan blurted out.

"Sun vampire?" Will raised an eyebrow. "Is there such thing?"

"Maybe not in mystical tales, but Ky's weird. There's something about him that makes him a good vampire, but I can't quite put my finger on it," Dan curiously gazed at his band mate.

"Well, do you think we asked every possible question?" Woody cut off Dan's train of thought. "At least I found out my special ability. Kicking a ball everywhere I want? That's pretty cool if you think about it."

"True," Will nodded and gave a small smile.

     "Wait. Is Charlie actually dead?" Dan pointed out. "Or was this cunt lying to us?"

     "We won't know unless we actually leave this damn house," Will mumbled.

     "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Kyle jumped and kicked the board away. "THAT FUCKING THING MOVED ON ITS OWN!"

     He was right. The planchette began to tremble on the board, and to everyone's horror, a smoky substance rose from the eye of planchette, morphing into the familiar demon that etched its name into the guys' heads. The skull's mouth opened and let out a loud but low growl of violence before charging into Dan, knocking the singer to the ground before he could do anything in defence. Instead of branching off to their hiding spots like the last time, everyone went to Dan's side and helped him up as they attempted to face the spirit. They weren't going anyway this time. All four stood as high as they could to meet the eight foot tall fire demon, ready to use their new powers to battle for their lives and freedom.

     The only problem? It was the demon hour.

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