17. Right to the End

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(11:53 PM)

     "What the fuck happened?" Woody moaned as he got up from the floor. "I feel like my head's burning."

      "Same here," Will held a hand to his sore head.

"You three were fucking possessed by the Flaming Skull, and I had to throw water at you to force it to release you," Kyle explained.

"Damn," Will said with small astonishment. "One ghost possessing three grown men? That's badass."

"One problem," Kyle interrupted. "He may have killed Charlie."

"WHAT?!" They all scream. Whoops...maybe I shouldn't have said it that way...Kyle inched back with nervousness.

"How??? How do you know???" Dan grabbed the vampire's shoulders and shook him. "Did you see??? Did his guts get spilled out???"

"How am I supposed to know?! I don't want to know!" Kyle frantically raised his hands in defence. "The Flaming Skull somehow got into Charlie's phone and said that it killed him, and the fact that I didn't hear from him may make this true."

"Do you know where he is? Or where he would be?" Woody asked.

"I think at the front porch, maybe even at the front door?" The vampire shrugged, creepily gazing at Will's bare neck, desperate to have a taste of blood.

"We have to find that ghost first," Dan deduced. "We need to ask it- wait! The Ouija board!"

"No fucking way am I going to go and get that," Woody crossed his arms and refused to budge. "You saw what happened to me."

"Then Kyle and I will go," Dan rolled his eye.

"No! Wait!" Will stopped the two friends before they could advance a step further. "One if you needs to stay with Woody and I'll go with whoever wants to fetch the board. Because you and Kyle are both technically dead beings, so you both can't actually die, especially you, Dan," the bassist pointed at the empty space where the singer's heart would be.

That's true...I don't have a heart anymore...Dan nodded in agreement. And Kyle can only be killed with a vampire stale to the heart, but given the fact that he doesn't burn under a strong flashlight, he probably doesn't burn under sunlight...Ky's technically invincible as long as the Flaming Skull doesn't have a stake.

"I'll go with Will, Ky, you stay with Woody," Dan instructed. "The Flaming Skull's likely to attack you two because you're literally sitting ducks out here in the main doorway."

"Be safe then," Woody gave a thumbs up as Dan and Will cautiously went off to find the board. Hopefully it was in the exact place it had been left.

"Hey, what's Woody's mutant ability?" Will suddenly brought up as they spotted the Ouija board. "I never saw if he used it or not."

"I dunno, same here," the skeletal singer shrugged and bent down to pick up the unscathed board. "And wasn't the board on fire earlier?"

"Hmm..." Will tried to recall, but the possession had washed away many of his recent memories of Halloween night. "Maybe that's a question we should ask?"

"Good plan."


     Four pairs of hands were placed on the white, unsettling, white coloured planchette. Slowly, they began to circle the plastic item around in the centre of the board, once for each person who was playing the game. As calmly as possible, Dan chanted out the saying needed to call for the ghost's attention, without no sudden movement the first time. A second attempt was made. Still nothing. Hoping that they had killed the Flaming Skull, Kyle tried the chant as their third attempt. This time, the planchette violently slid from the centre, screeching to a halt at the "YES". And for the purpose of verification, the spirit was questioned whether it was actually the Flaming Skull, or a tricky ghost that wanted to fuck with their minds.

     "F-L-A-M-I-" Kyle immediately stopped as Dan took one hand off the planchette, covering his friend's mouth. He didn't want to let the Flaming Skull finish spelling its name.

     "Lemme finish!" The vampire swatted away Dan's skeletal finger. "It might get mad if you don't let it finish!"


     Kyle wanted to speak with the Flaming Skull- all the way to the end of the Ouija board session. He had to find out why he wasn't possessed yet, and why he wasn't like other vampires. He wanted to ask why his eyes could turn blue.

     I gotta do this, right to the end.

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