15. Don't Turn Your Back

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(11:24 PM)

Please don't find me...Will chattered with fright as he laid huddled up in a mouldy closet, unfortunately the same one where Kyle was attacked. He had just been chased by a possessed Woody, whose burns were fully healed now. Everyone knew that he would end up gaining a super power that had something to do with his legs, but they didn't know what. Will had been hiding in the closet for about half an hour now, but the odour of smoke and burning still haunted the room he was in. His only problem was what would happen if Woody or Kyle or Dan decided to accidentally stumble upon his safe haven. He didn't want to waste battery life either, sitting in silence and smoke with pure boredom lingering inside his head.

     At the third floor, the one under the attic, Kyle was anxiously waiting for a disaster to occur, not seeing Woody since the point he had been chasing Will around the house. Perhaps he's looking for me or Dan...he wondered, glaring at the 58 percent that was left on his phone. He knew that Dan was probably going to be the second easier, and the second hardest to locate. The singer's strength was the power to keep quiet in a tight situation, but his downfall would be because of a clumsy gesture of the hand or foot, or even his head, since he had a clumsy habit in general. The lack of sound and smoke unsettled Kyle, who knew that Woody could be anywhere in the house, possibly doing some kind of cult ritual, or the Flaming Skull could be inflicting intentional wounds onto the drummer.


What the fuck? Kyle raised an eyebrow and stared down at his phone, dimly lit with an iMessage from Charlie.

Charlie: dude everything okay? I heard screams...

Kyle: NO! I've turned into a fucking vampire and Dan's now a half-skeleton, and Will is a badass CSI man!

Charlie: huh????? Vampire????? Skelton?????

Kyle: dude, I'm not joking, okay???

Charlie: you sure you're not delusional? I think you are...


Charlie: ...umm...nvm...

Charlie: so where's Dan, and Will?

Kyle: wellllllllllllllll idefk.

Charlie: "idefk"?

Kyle: I Don't Even Fucking Know. Idiot.

Charlie: ay, not cool mate, stop dissing me and cussing.

Kyle: make me, BITCH.

Charlie: do you want me to come and help or not?

Kyle: fine. just...come and...open the door, maybe it's locked from the outside. But make sure Woody doesn't see you or anything, cuz that man has some sort of super power in his legs, but idk what.

Charlie: oh god...

Kyle: what?

Charlie: he's having a stare down with me through the window in the door...and is it normal for him to have green eyes? glowing ones?

Kyle: my god...of course not! what's he doing rn???

Charlie: umm...well fuck...

Kyle: DETAIL. Tell me the fucking details.

Charlie: sorry but, I really need to leave, I don't want to get cursed or possessed or anything...


Kyle: and don't try to make excuses...

Kyle: Charlie?

Charlie: Charlie's dead.

Kyle: who's this?


Kyle: oi! wtf did you do with my friend?!

Kyle: fuck!

Kyle: fuck you!

Kyle angrily exited his iMessage app, rolling out from under the bed when he heard the sound of stomping downstairs, associated with the smoky clouds that suffocated his lungs. Luckily, he was basically a dead person, being a vampire and all, so he wasn't too worried in particular about himself, the keys player was more worried for Will, because the CSI was the living human. Charlie can't possibly be dead, right? He bit his lip and tasted the irresistible blood that pooled on his pale lips. Kyle grabbed the stair railing and started to make his way down the creaking steps, flinching and stopping each time he thought a black figure passed by.

Then he felt a pang of shock in his chest as he spotted what appeared to be a red Converse. Dan's red Converse. And it was attached to a bony leg, scaring Kyle even more than before. He cringed at each step taken down the staircase, often whipping his head behind him to see if Woody was there to push him down the steep steps. It only got worse as Kyle continued down, first seeing a limp hand, then the torn and worn CSI gear that belonged to Will. The vampire nearly choked on fear as he stumbled upon his two possibly dead band mates, both sprawled out on the rotten wooden floor of the base level. But something else caught his attention. The green headlight from Woody. Then he saw the Plymouth jersey, and the luxurious fawn brown hair that belonged to none other than the drummer of Bastille.

     Are they dead?

     "You'll have to fight me for their souls," a booming dark voice shook him. He read my mind??? "Yes, I did."

     "Where are you?!" Kyle hissed and bore his lengthened fangs, which grew to an aggressive size.

     "Behind..." it growled lowly.

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